Fronzel Neekburm


Kelsey Grammer was in rehab at the time and was replaced by Kate Mulgrew, who wasn’t supposed to be in the sketch.

Why doesn’t Burger King take real advantage of this and make a Pancake Burger I can have for breakfast?

Wait.. so if I get shot in the leg, i get free drinks for life?

Fun Fact: until this article, I honestly thought I was the only human on this planet that remembered DEBS. Also, it was a pretty fun movie


You could have posted “So and so is working on a documentary that proves Santa is real, but he hates you” and I wouldn’t have cared, because there’s news on Gargoyles, the best thing Disney ever did. Seriously, where else do you get an immortal Macbeth fighting monsters? I loved the whole thing. Even the world tour,

These first looks are awesome.

.annnnnnnnndd this is in in my head all day. Thanks.

Wait, is this a good idea? What if like, Jason was MEANT to die in order to prevent him from rising to power and crushing us the boot of his stupidly tyrannical rule?

The box office draw of Sam Worthington is nothing for you to scoff at, my friend.

Yes, yes, i remember my 4th birthday.

Once again Domino’s stands up when the Government falls down. I, for one, am enjoying our new Pizzocracy, and remind them that pineapple on pizza is delicious.

If you like this, then you’ll LOVE the one I’m working on with James Patterson where a guy who has a job like mine has to sneak to save the world from an evil hacker thingy guy.

This is better than a the real thing, I imagine.

These look really good. American Carnage and Goddess mode look like something I’ll enjoy. Border Town looks interesting, I’ll check it out. High Level looks like it’s been done, but I trust those creators to deliver something new.

1. Legends of Tomorrow is the best superhero team up right now. I’m including all of the Avengers movies, so don’t ask. I’ve never seen a show so revel in the fact that it’s a superhero show before. Sure, Avengers has the big budget and the movie that is currently making more money than Ghandi and Jesus combined, but

I think that at least once a day. It’s believed that Keenan and Kel will only reunite once, to push back the Anti-Christ and end the Apocalypse. Again, it’s all in the pamphlet.

Good. No more Iron Giant, because the first movie was damn near perfect. But if only he could have convinced them of no more sequels during the Cars 2 pitch meeting.

The Sandpeople... and I don’t know if that’s the preferred nominclature here... but the Sandpeople is not the issue...