Fronzel Neekburm

I’m surprised it took this long.

I think it should have been three movies, or we needed an additional Guardian movie to do the Thanos/Gamora heavy lifting this one did. (Or the 2nd movie should have done that. I mean, it’s not like it was heavily about fathers and children.)

I would have seen it again today but it was sold out, and I didn’t think to get tickets that early. My cat didn’t want to see it again, though. Didn’t give a reason, just sort of slept through it the first time.

That’s what i think makes her so interesting. We get glimpses of people in the show who are supposedly true believers, such as The commander and Serena Joy, but they go back on their word in a heartbeat. The Commander keeps going to a brothel set up that’s the antithesis of all things Gilead. Serena Joy just wants a

I meant in this article. They should never not be mentioning this fact. :)

Thanks for burying the lede on the Teen Titans Go! movie.

It’s a long shot, but I would love a Voyager/Deep Space Nine/TNG movie to sort of close out that era a little bit. That would be awesome. Especially if it were a lot of Deep Space nine.

I mean... I wouldn’t actively seek him out, but I wouldn’t say no.


I wish we could all be respectful. Different strokes, as they say. I know I haven’t been in the past, and I’m honestly working on it, because it leads to nicer conversations with people.

I wish we could all be respectful. Different strokes, as they say. I know I haven’t been in the past, and I’m honestly working on it, because it leads to nicer conversations with people.

I’m really looking forward to Infinity War, but I totally agree... I can’t wait for Ant-Man and the Wasp. The first one is severely underrated.

So it’s a B+ per a regular reviewer.

Wow. I’ll be curious to see if you re-consider this after part 2, and the story is complete. (I don’t mean this as a bad thing. It’s just interesting, that’s all.)

I hope he plays a gruff chef who demands that Ellie Kemper’s character work for him, but she can only cook when Max is hidden under her hat.

I hope he plays a gruff chef who demands that Ellie Kemper’s character work for him, but she can only cook when Max is hidden under her hat.

Well, it’s only the one book, so it’s not really a series. And it has very little to do with “Revenge” as the ending of the book is extremely bleak for the titular handmaiden. The series less so.

1. It’s well plotted.

This is something that’s interesting, and I would like to see it represented more. I get why the first season didn’t cover it that much - it’s a few lines in the book - but going forward there’s a lot of stories to be told about racism vs. the human race itself becoming extinct.

This is something that’s interesting, and I would like to see it represented more. I get why the first season didn’t cover it that much - it’s a few lines in the book - but going forward there’s a lot of stories to be told about racism vs. the human race itself becoming extinct.