Fronzel Neekburm

Didn’t the Russos say that this was less of an Avengers Movie and more of a Thor/Thanos movie? (Or something to that effect.) That gives me hope that much of the heavy lifting/introductions will be on the Thanos side. We don’t really need a full recap of Spider-Man’s origins or learning about how Dr. Strange got hold

I have reported Kevin Pang and anyone who thinks Mayo belongs on hot dogs to the appropriate authorities.

I wonder if this is going to hurt Lisa Simpson’s chances when she runs for President after Donald Trump in a few years.

Apu is a complicated character, often the voice of reason in the middle of the insanity that was the Simpsons. Even when he’s a stereotype, he’s still the one telling everyone to calm down. When there is racist backlash (in the show) typically it’s Apu who is the human face of that... they can be racist towards a mob,

The crux of the documentary is that: He likes the show, but he dislikes Apu. And I get that. you don’t have to love all art, or all things out there. You just have to have respect, and everyone is getting so entrenched in their attitudes they’re taking everything as a personal insult. It’s a show. Half the people that

My Angry Neckbeard notification didn’t go off at all, so it must not be that.

Nopity nope nope nope. Nope

Deadpool - sets the perfect tone for the movie right away.

It’s almost Caroline in the City’s time to shine....

This is the correct answer, by the way. Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek series.

I’m a researcher for George Mason University, and I’m writing a paper on online communities for a Graduate class. I just wanted to say that I love talking with all of you, and I love that I’m able to my experiences here into my paper.

I mean... duh. But it’s still fun to talk about.

I know you’re making a joke, but I do remember a clickbait article (back in ye olde days of the internet) in which a guy really was trying to get The Two Towers to change it’s name because it was offensive to 9/11.

Wait... I know this is a joke but didn’t Rogue One confirm that it was, in fact an inside job?

This gives me hope that my plan to place CGI borderline racist caricatures into all future movies will be successful in the destruction of American values.

I really thought I was the only person in the world who remembered “Hostage for a Day.” It wasn’t the best movie, but I really thought it was funny, and I remember re-watching it on sick days on an old VHS tape when I was home sick from school.

Whew. When can I stop holding my breath for a Black Widow movie?

Finally. We can get to the real menace: bears. My grandfather used to speak about his fears of the upcoming panda/human war.

Now do one for catsup.

I love a good Garnet story. She usually has the most stylized way of telling them, as opposed to Pearl and Amethyst, who just sort of tell us. I like the way we get her awkward moments and retelling that is clearly through the eyes of someone who is experiencing something new.