Fronzel Neekburm

Honestly, with the “Superman is dead” narrative, I really wish they had gone with Brainiac and the Eradicator. Have him bring back the “Fake Superman.” They could have played with that a lot in the advertising, showing Henry Cavill as an evil Superman for a good portion of the movie only for him to come back.

Makes one wonder what the behind the scenes footage will be for “Solo”.

Yeah, I’m a Justice League defender and even I wouldn’t put it up with Avengers.

No, i said the movie was TERRIBLE, not awesome.

That’s not true, a lot of people stopped in before “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” which was playing next door. I guess they missed the ending, though.

Since it’s set in 1985 I’m hoping for a Bowling for Soup Cameo.

I’m glad to see they’re taking their time, but part of me is really nervous that they’re delaying to introduce another Wolverine.

That’s not true. Ryan Reynold’s Green Lantern won and he was terrible.

So that’s a “No” on my proposed “Head of the Class” reunion.

Steven Spielberg is a Time Lord might be a pretty reasonable explanation. I hope doesn’t regenerate for a while.

That was my issue with early trailers. In the book they had a pretty good explanation: Halliday loved the 1980's, he designed this and left his fortune to whoever could figure out his easter eggs, so boom... worshiping the 1980's was born. It was pretty clever. It sounds like there’s an explanation in the movie, so

Damnit, I really wanted to hate this*. I really, really, did. But the advertisements, the director, the actors, and now these reviews really make me excited for this. If A.A. Dowd likes it, the I’m going to love it.

I didn’t say it was a GOOD plan.

Deep Space Nine is the best, obviously, so I like your Kira metaphor. (Probably more apt, given the material.)

So... would Captain Marvel be a Troi episode? Because those suck. I swear to God if her mother in law shows up to sexually harass Nick Fury I’m out.

I wondered why the latest trailer started with Han hitting a juke box.

Who would have thought what would probably have been a plotline for Arrested Development - Star Wars production going off the rails - would happen in real life and fixed with the narration of Ron Howard.

This whole thing is only out there to distract from the fact that Cheers was invented by Vampires to keep people at home so they could stalk the night. That’s why the also allowed us to spin-off to Fraiser. The rise of DVR and streaming services has allowed us to make a schedule and go out at night, which is why

Eden Sher is going to have a great career after this. I thought about it more and everyone on that show is amazing, so perhaps my 90% for Neil Flynn was a bit much. But I do think he’s an amazing actor.

Good because I have this theory that Neil Flynn working consistently is the only thing keeping this planet together. Be hilarious, and run another 9 years, lest the apocalypse comes upon us.