Fronzel Neekburm

That’s not true. I hear they took five minutes out for a new episode of We Bare Bears, Legend has it.

I remember when Cartoon Network used to air this show.

Oh my God, yes! I forgot and you’re right, everything I think about in this movie just makes it better.

YES! This movie is completely underrated. Murray is excellent in it just being “Bill Murray” and it’s hilarious seeing everyone trying so hard to make something happen... it’s just perfect! One of my top underrated movies of all time.

This is good news for those of us hoping for a Bill Engvall Show reunion/reboot.

So that’s a no on “mother 2: Die Harder?”

Finally they’ve listened to fan complaints and given us exactly what we wanted: Hardcore Walker Nudity!

Will I be able to understand this if I haven’t seen the Pink Panther?

I wish they’d stop talking about this project until it was closer to being finished. Not that I care if it gets made... it looks interesting... but I can’t get the damn theme song out of my head every time I see a headline.

Sure that’s bad, but what did the expect from a movie with such rampant pantslessness?

Hopefully this means there won’t be any episodes that stop the plot dead in it’s tracks so we get the spinoff “What people in the suburbs thought people in cities looked like in the 1980's” power-hour.

This seems like a bit of an overraction to me requesting a joke be put into the movie, especially when it seems like it already was (at least the trailer.). Hey, whatever you’re going through that makes you so hateful, I hope it gets resolved soon. I’m rooting for you.

None of these take into consideration that he is “The Rock” and physics don’t apply to him.

It’s easy: check the name of the person commenting. If it’s “Fronzel Neekburm” then it’s gold, and you should like it. Otherwise, don’t waste your time.

That’s right, I keep forgetting because they haven’t done much with it yet. (YET. We’ll see after Dark Phoenix and New Mutants.)

I think we’d all kick in an extra five bucks for them to film the scene and deal with extra legal issues.

I missed that the first time! i was laughing too hard at the “We’re adding an arm, not erasing a mustache” joke.

I missed that the first time! i was laughing too hard at the “We’re adding an arm, not erasing a mustache” joke.

Good lord i cannot wait for this movie. Just... i cannot wait.

I think it’s because of location - we live further away from the dealership. But thanks! I’m close enough that we should be able to get rid of this one by the end of the year.