Fronzel Neekburm

The toughest part will be having to re-home Geoffery Giraffe. it’s tough, the older ones don’t get adopted that easily.

The toughest part will be having to re-home Geoffery Giraffe. it’s tough, the older ones don’t get adopted that easily.

A parent might have caught this.

*the rape and incest he was groomed into, and yes, the wife should be concerned about this.

I’m very sorry to hear that this man was raped by his mother when he was younger. I really do hope that he gets the help that he needs, and can cut the abuser out of his life.

I’m really not a fan of stretching out mysteries like this. Not in the sense that we need answers right away, but by focusing on this mystery, and only this mystery, the resolution is only going to be disappointing.

I’d like to see more references to Luke and Leia’s mother, but wouldn’t this steal focus from some of Carrie Fisher’s work? I don’t know how to fix it, but there has to be a good way to honor her.

The biggest problem is that it’s a DCEU movie, which means most movie websites and critics will be against the rules by force of habit. They really should have instituted them for Captain Marvel*, which I’m sure will either be the first female superhero movie ever according to most reviews.

Can we get a gofund me started to give whoever is reading the nominations for Best picture this year to announce La La Land, no matter what? Just for fun?

Which is a shame, because it’s a Masterpiece in every way with the exception of everyone’s favorite part, the best friend. Look, I liked him, but with the weight of the rest of the movie he took me out of it a little. But the way it built on everything... it was just a fantastic, fantastic movie. I get what you’re

Damnit. I knew I’d miss it.

I’m really looking forward to the first “Well actually, this movie was terrible” backlash thinkpiece! Will it be Three Billboards? Call Me By Your Name? Dunkirk? We just don’t know! it’s one of the most exciting moments of the Awards season! it’s almost as exciting as the Right-Wing “Oscars are terrible because

It’s a tiny part of a lo-res pic of concept art with a hand in the way of 20%. This is the internet. you’ll be lucky if there’s less than 20 think pieces about the end of the week.

I don’t know a lot about how this stuff works, admittedly, but why wouldn’t they just sell the movies to other distribution companies? They’ll need the money, right?

Yeah, this is a good idea. What kind of monster wants to put a live turkey on a metal tube miles in the air?

I don’t know if I’m enjoying the Harry Potter/ JK Rowling backlash that much.

I was going to write something complaining about nostalgia but I was too busy flipping back and forth between that 70's show, The Wonder Years, and Quantum Leap reruns.

Everything in this article times a million. This movie was criminally overlooked, and both women should be recognized and nominated.

Everything in this article times a million. This movie was criminally overlooked, and both women should be recognized and nominated.

I feel lost in all of this is that the group of men who created the toxic masculinity supercut of the Last Jedi that removed things such as “context” or “legit interesting twists” are themselves the first ones to complain about “trigger warnings” or “safe spaces.”