Fronzel Neekburm

It was one of the best things about the movie.

I’d be ok with this.

The Mummy and the Last Knight didn’t feature a young boy manipulating his mother to commit murder through the power of precociousness.

In fairness to Geostorm, it did use the phrase “Geostorm” as many times as I would expect a movie called “Geostorm” to use it. So it had that going for it.

hey, this is embarrassing, guys, but you accidentally put “The Book of Henry” at #6 when it should be at #1 as the worst movie of the year. Maybe all time. Maybe ever since film itself was invented, and I’m including those early fan films with dialogue that included Captain Kirk falling ill and Ensign Dirk Perfect

Don’t be worried. It was wonderful. If people “hate” it then they should re-examine the other movies a little closer.

Correction: We’re getting a movie that has Star Wars in the title-ish, but in the end is one of those we may want to pretend never happened when debating if we liked Rogue One or Empire Strikes back more.

They should probably focus on making an edible pizza before they starting tinkering around with the recipie even more.

If that’s the case, then I’m submitting my patent for a Big Mac but with bacon.

Cinnamon rolls! Well, then, all is forgiven. Going back to being a piece of human trash with our blessings.

The problem with Supersize Me goes well beyond what you’re saying. Look, eating McDonald’s every day isn’t healthy, and yet the dollar menu provides easier access for those who are poor to get this as their only meal. Here was a guy who took a look at it, and shone a really important light on a problem - the

So... this is just your way of saying that we’ll NEVER get his food journal?

I was a little surprised with some of the changes from the first movie to the second, like when did they put John Cena in it, and why did they make him an animated bull, and where was Rey, and oh my god I walked into the wrong theater didn’t I?

Don’t get me started on Civil War. The entire thing was a build up to that airport scene, the constant reminders that it was empty so no one was getting hurt was ridiculous and defanged the entire movie, the addition of Spider-man, while fun was noticibly added after production, and the entire sequence after the

you are absolutely right! That was amazing, especially right now!

I’m really looking forward to the Human Torch/Captain America Buddy comedy.

Really glad we had to cancel Cow and Boy and Liberty Meadows so we can get more Dilbert. Modern Offices amirite?

The Marvel movies, while wonderful movies, don’t have a lot of surprises and tense moments. Yeah, Tony Stark’s suit malfunctions or Thor loses his hammer, but in the end things will be fine.

I’m really looking forward to the movie made about this while thing where Doug Jones (the actor) plays both Doug Jones and Roy Moore’s horse through the magic of practical effects.

So... my prediction that this will upset The Last Jedi in the box office probably won’t come true, is what you’re saying?