Fronzel Neekburm

I like her nuanced take. But you can love someone who does bad things. Part of loving someone is calling them on their BS. I have a friend who admitted he did something bad. (not Louis CK bad, but ethically pretty bad. Also not illegal. In the list of things that have been coming out about Hollywood right now: None of

I was trying to say that it became the best superhero show while no one was really looking. But you are correct: Full stop.

Legends of Tomorrow has low-key become the best superhero show on television or in movies. Seriously. While other shows are super serious, or throwing giant winks to the audience; this show is just like... we got a guy with his head on fire enjoy it for a little bit.

Get it? It’s overstuffed because a lot is happening and because it’s Thanksgiving. Get it everyone? Does everyone get it?

Get it? It’s overstuffed because a lot is happening and because it’s Thanksgiving. Get it everyone? Does everyone get it?

I’m confused, where does Kuerig factor in all of this?

I don’t know if I’m enjoying this reboot of that Mel Gibson Conspiracy Theory movie. Maybe they can skip to the Julia Roberts romance sooner.



Excellent review, I’m looking forward to seeing ths.

Excellent review, I’m looking forward to seeing ths.

Recently my wife and I opened our marriage. It’s honestly great - we communicate a lot more, we make more time for each other, and we generally have more to talk about because we go out and do our own thing from time to time. It’s not the center of our marriage, but it’s nice.

You know what? I’m out. I have used up a lot of anger attempting to defend these movies, and I’m just tired. The constant bashing from the critics frustrates me. I don’t mean “it’s bad” i mean leaking as many “problems” behind the scenes that aren’t problems, skewing stories to prime people to think the worst (“As

The watercolor posters are a work of art, and I would like all 7 for my office.

I’m a huge Superman fan. I thought we all agreed not to mention the electro suit thing. Ever.

Sex Manger? Didn’t they shut that place down?

Social media embargo was up on Friday.

What’s worse: that George Takei has fallen or that so much bad stuff with jerks not keeping their hands to themselves has gone down in a month that we have to refer to an audio clip that came out less than a month ago as having “resurfaced.”

Soon all of Hollywood will just be Christopher Plummer.

Soon all of Hollywood will just be Christopher Plummer.