Fronzel Neekburm


i have to agree with “Orange is the New Black.” It’s not even that it’s a bad song, it’s that for a show that is set up to be watched binge-style, it’s the wrong style of song. It’s an example of too much of a good thing.

I’m a big fan of Rick and Morty, and I was thinking about this the other day. The most obnoxious fans are pretty vocal and that’s a shame. It really seems like that is happening more and more, in plenty of fandoms. I don’t understand people can’t just enjoy a show, buy a T-Shirt, and move on. It sucks that the worst

i would have gladly watched a 3 and a half hour cut of this film.

Between Star Trek: Discovery and The Orville I’m really enjoying this season of television! It’s cool we’re getting so many good ideas out there.

Anyone who was cruel to the McDonald’s employees needs to rethink their lives. I stood in line. When they ran out I took a silly picture, then I got my meal and I left. No one deserved some of that crap I saw online, and I’m embarrassed I even tried if I knew everyone would act like jerks.

Anyone who was cruel to the McDonald’s employees needs to rethink their lives. I stood in line. When they ran out I took a silly picture, then I got my meal and I left. No one deserved some of that crap I saw online, and I’m embarrassed I even tried if I knew everyone would act like jerks.

“No such book exists in real life”... yet.

I admit, I was a little taken aback by your number one choice. Reading your rationale, I think that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is now my favorite Science Fiction movie of the last 30 years. Well done.

Deep Space Nine had a ton of long titles. “Wrongs Darker than Death or Night.” “Nor Battle the Strong.” “Looking for Par’Mach in all the Wrong Places.”

One day... what an intelligent way to read the room, guys.

I completely, 100% understood why it’s done this way, and this isn’t a complaint at all, but it is a little funny after this mostly negative review in which the reviewer clearly didn’t enjoy the novel, the last thing we see is “If you wish to purchase...”

Also yes to the Sleeping with the enemy remake.

I might watch her in this on cable, one weekend far away. But she is wonderful, especially in her smaller roles.

I might watch her in this on cable, one weekend far away. But she is wonderful, especially in her smaller roles.

With this show I feel like someone is describing an episode of The Next Generation to me, and I’m trying to picture it in my head. It’s not bad, per se, but it really needs to find a voice: This is a Starship, it’s not the Enterprise or the flagship, and these are what we’d get if we followed the USS Washington, who’s

I’ve never been particularly religious but I’m starting to doubt this “God” person is really in any type of control. Or He is, and this is what we get.

I’ve never been particularly religious but I’m starting to doubt this “God” person is really in any type of control. Or He is, and this is what we get.

So you’re saying this would have been better had they placed Ellen Page in a remake of Pretty Woman first?

So you’re saying this would have been better had they placed Ellen Page in a remake of Pretty Woman first?