Fronzel Neekburm

No, you’re not. You’re in the majority, it’s just that most of us sane people don’t view “the plot” to be a spoiler. The obsessive secrecy takes away from the movie. See: Star Trek Into Darkness. Not one damn person thought that wasn’t Khan, and the secrecy around it built an expectation that no one could live up to.

Whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa. Whoa. It’s about this... “rebellion” that’s trying to get the plans to something called “The Death Star” so they can destroy it? How dare this trailer spoil this, the “plot” of the movie by telling us what it’s about. I prefer to go into my movies knowing nothing, simply based

Marvel should learn to play with they toys they have before they get any new ones. They’ve done an ok job of crossing over the movies, the Netflix shows pretty much exist to mock the movies and the other Netflix shows, and then there’s Agents of SHIELD which I imagine the writers plan out really cool arcs, then get

And what a very sensual war it will be.

It’s a third hand story.

Still more visible than the women of Marvel movies.

Because the Netflix-TV-Movie experiment has failed, and they aren’t willing to admit it, but still want to string fans along.

Do the current, wired EarPods fall out of your ears? No? the Airpods probably won’t, since they’re the same design.

1. It’s a little funny that a website that was posting a few days ago that Batman having three costumes in Batman v. Superman was a horrible toy grab, but is now celebrating Force Friday, when literally they just release the toys for a movie no one has seen yet.

Will the comic invent cliffhangers the way the show invented cliffhangers?

Alternate title: Popular movie spawns costumes but since it’s DC and we have to keep up the fiction that Superhero movies are dying and we can’t go against Disney we’ve chosen DC so this is terrible.

No one tell Marvel!

I can’t anymore. I... I just... I can’t. I believe that all people should be treated equal. I believe that we shouldn’t offend people. I think America, as a country, has not always been hospitable to those with different skin tones or cultures. And I, as a person and a parent, want to pass those values of

“Toys ruin everything.”

THANK you! I don’t agree with everything you’ve said, but I can’t stand the fact that people act like Captain America was without flaws when the Spider-Man scenes were extremely tacked on, the entire third act made no sense, and the misogyny in literally having a female character grounded for misbehaving was insulting.

It he doesn’t get working on it soon, the “passing of the torch” will be done off screen with clunky dialogue.

I can’t wait for him to make a bunch of winking references to The Avengers without saying the word “Avengers.”

It would have meant that we didn’t get a forced act or awkward scenes where everyone vanishes in the middle a battle so they could squeeze in Spider-man.

I’m still a little disappointed that Ewan MacGregor isn’t in it and it isn’t called Moulin Rouge One.

It would be so perfect it they got Chris Pine to cameo as like, a street vendor or something, and they stand around awkwardly for a moment.