Blame it on the brakes! Blame it on the breaks! Frivolous lawsuits due to user stupidity are the norm! Blame it on the breaks!
Blame it on the brakes! Blame it on the breaks! Frivolous lawsuits due to user stupidity are the norm! Blame it on the breaks!
@iPhoneGod: They make more than cellphones, man. Though I wouldn't mind if they floundered in the Public Safety and Professional Communications sector at all because they fucking suck there. Harris FTW
@bitchincamaro: Blame NYC to not switching to Harris systems (though I believe they are in the near-ish future if they haven't already).
@TCL987: The third prong is a chassis ground which eliminates the possibility of electric shock lest some wiring comes loose. The two-pronged cords have a hot and neutral (ground) already, the third is just for extra safety.
@blyan-reloaded: I believe the key words in your correct argument are "Condescending" and "Arrogance"
@GugliehnoAloeus: I agree. I mean, I love gadgets, personally. But there's no better experience than getting lost and finding something you weren't looking for or, even better, actually knowing where you are without reliance on a gps or map even. I can navigate anywhere around my town and the surrounding areas no…
@Daveinva: Sweet, I didn't have to reply with this exact (well almost exact) statement! Well said, sir.
@Maori_Yelir: Time IS acting differently on the probe, that's the basis of General Relativity.
@Thatmushroom: Heh, never heard of that myself. Odd because many other popular theories (of other things, at least) have some solid math but shit-nothing in terms of physical observations. String Theory is a great example. Though something in the back of my mind is telling me I have, in fact, heard of MOND but I…
@stagecrow: That doesn't even make sense. The velocity needed to escape a body's gravity decreases substantially the further you are away from it. By your very same logic, if I was in another galaxy and was not achieving speeds greater than the Sun's escape velocity calculated at the surface (which Dr. Singal is…
@BobotheTeddy: This is actually old news. Like olod as in the first published results came out in 1998-ish []
@dave_t: Yeah, I definitely remember reading about this years ago. But I don't know if we can blame Giz for being oblivious to it as much as the Telegraph for making it seem like breaking news.
I thought I'd hate it, but I barely notice it when I'm searching for stuff and it also is a lot like the file search in Windows 7, so I'm used to it. It's neat but I haven't exactly found it useful (searching for computer files on the other hand is quite useful. Just not the internet, for me at least)
But it is cutting-edge, it's actually field-deployable and has a reliable power source and doesn't make you look like an idiot.
@Dropolus: But these things don't draw anywhere NEAR the same amount of power, man. Huge difference.
@CaptainJack: No, they're electromagnetic waves which is not the same thing as a magnetic field. I can see where the confusion would come about though (magnetic being a key word in the electromagnetic wave phrase). Though Electromagnetic waves DO have magnetic fields, the key is that they also have electric fields…
@hopskipper: What? None. It uses magnetic field to induce a current. Magnetic Fields are harmless*
Did the menu/home/back/search keys ever get accidentally pressed while holding it or do you think that could potentially be a problem? It seems like they might get in the way as touch buttons rather than physical buttons.
@Sean Reynolds: Right, but a theory born by observation of the universe and logical deduction. It's possible that it's wrong, it's possible that it's right but it's all based on what we observe. I just feel it's important to distinguish between this - which we have observed and derived a logical conclusion - and…
@hostile-17: My favorite part is the theory with multi-dimensions. We may live in a little "fold" of the universe were there are only three observable dimensions and that everything appears the way it is because of this fold and not actually because that's the way it is. If you want to melt your brain, that's a damn…