
@luce1sw: The prevailing theory is that all four forces kind of existed peacefully with eachother until Gravity decided it wanted to go to a different party and escaped which caused the universe to explode outward. Basically. I may have over-simplified it :p

@ArmoredCavalry: i still type in when i need new catalyst software. I can't seem to learn (or maybe I don't want to :p)

@socceryo3: Then the soldiers in charge of the drone remotely destroy it. Basically they'd hit a killswitch in the control room which sends a signal to the drone that either deactivates it or has it self-destruct.

@Fekdep: They remotely destroy it.

@Billybird: It wouldn't be slow and painful- it would be fast and painless like you assume. The amperage that would flow through you would basically kill you instantaneously.

@donlphi: Nobody under the age of 35 listens to NIN? Weird, considering me and all my friends that listen to him are under 25...

@donlphi: You are very wrong. Artists make little to no money off of record sales and gain all their profit from tours and merchandise. The more people that listen to your music, the more will come to tours, the more will buy merch. However, many artists are stuck in the pre-digital age of doing things where you

@blyan: It is SOO useful for seeing if streets actually exist (maps and GPS lie occasionally!) and if the street is actually drivable, or more of a driveway type thing.

Wait (and I'm not trying to be an ass here, I'm serious) are you sure it's just not because it's your "shiny new toy"?

@fury161: Or they nail enough whores or sluts to be able to have an educated opinion on the matter :p

Reading the comments hurts my brain.

@cycle-ops: No, people are arguing that it's a ripoff compared to building it yourself, which is true. However, from a business standpoint it's not that bad of a deal. In fact, it seems to be a pretty standard price and spec-wise. From a personal standpoint it is a rip-off because you can build your own (same goes

@stingray: Wait... what? Apple supports TDMA as GSM uses TDMA (time division multiple access). It is why AT&T's network can handle both data and voice traffic whereas CDMA (code division multiple access) can only handle one at a time (though it is more secure).

It's CDMA (code division multiple access) not CMDA! You made the mistake twice. Easy mistake though.

@JGab: Ok, I agree with you there (the private schooling thing). I was in private school my entire life growing up and I personally did notice a bigger drive to succeed than in public schools- though that isn't to say I didn't see people trying to succeed in public schools, it's just I saw less. However I think this

@HRDSalami654: I assume you are talking about the general education requirements that most schools force on their students? I agree, they're stupid and should be gotten rid of (for the most part). But after, at most, the first year you should be solely into your chosen subject path. I was lucky and got rid of every

@pemullen: I have to agree with you. I like the size of my Droid Eris, it's compact enough for me, yet large enough where I don't feel like I'm losing a lot of screen real-estate. I was going to buy the Droid X but when I messed around with it in the store... it was just too big for a phone.

@JGab: Yeah, but it depends on your profession. I, as an Engineer, have no need to remember bits and pieces of "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, as an example. However an English Major with a concentration in Russian Literature probably will, and need to use that knowledge in many papers he writes so that

That's no thermometer! It's a space....