@minibeardeath: Accuracy is different than precision. You are talking about what is more precise. Accurate just means that "oh shit, it has four gajillion decimal places".
@minibeardeath: Accuracy is different than precision. You are talking about what is more precise. Accurate just means that "oh shit, it has four gajillion decimal places".
Thank. God.
@stpierreluke: Oh, the antenna works. It's just that they were fucking retarded and put it on the outside of the phone (unprotected!).
@zeroburn_131: That's true to a point. AFAIK this wouldn't really fall under that IP category as you are using a company's IP (development platform) with their consent to do so. Each app, employee or not, still belongs to MS (assuming they are using their own closed development kit and not open-source like Android).
Whoa, whoa, THAT'S their new displacement? So one bar is effectively 0 bars because neg 107 is absolute shit when it comes to signal strength. If it was a four bar system and that weakest bar was cut out, it would be a pretty damn good system- but this isn't. Their original is much better other than the stupidly…
@zibzer: Phones aren't the end-all be-all of technology. He never said stop innovating, he's saying "stop making simple shit complicated".
When you click on the image, it almost looks like a really highly rendered animated version of the original.
@wezelboy: I'm going to assume that they meant they cut the AC to the farms, instead letting the normal AC that cools the building to a certain temp (lets say 70 or so) be the only climate control.
While the Shuttle had it's uses, it honestly was just stagnating us from reaching deeper into space. I mean, obviously Obama's current plan stagnates us a tad more, but still.
@uncleezno: meh, that's what happens when I'm not paying attention. Get a life, man.
@GundamX67: Hmm, I could've sworn I remember reading in either PopSci or PopMech that building a strong enough chamber to contain the energy without melting (or at least having the heat negatively affect its structural integrity).
The real problem with fusion is containing it, not producing it. Your quite literally making a mini-star.
@sammanzhi: DAMMIT! Went the whole freaking day without a SINGLE song stuck in my head and you ruined it.
@EShy: No, that's not what the problem is. It's not "covering" the antenna that causes loss, it's the attenuation of the signal by having your hand ON the antenna. That's why it works fine with a bumper but poorly without.
@hercules_100_98: The problem is you could have loads of interference and losses generated depending on the placement of the transmitter. Not to mention speed issues with trying to get all those packets across the air.
Wow, not only is the music bland as hell but the video isn't even that good or interesting.
What a total ass. The reporter I mean.
Every day. That's how often I cry myself to sleep knowing that my Droid Eris gets its ass whooped by live wallpapers.