
@That_was_totally_Batman: But Windows 7 is also not Vista, my friend. And I will blame Dell for putting components that didn't have the specifications needed to run the admittedly bloated and poorly-executed Windows Vista. Dell makes shit computers to begin with. Same with HP. Most of 'em suck come to think of it.

@blehbleh13: He bought everyone he knew an xbox so he could make that claim.

@That_was_totally_Batman: Er.. Windows 7 isn't a Dell. That's like me saying "So what if they sold 150 million copies of Adobe Photoshop? I'm happier with macbook then I ever was with my Dell".

@ScottHartnellsSenseOfBalance: Well if you're talking about capacitors, it's not really anything special. A giant cap will have a large capacitance as capacitance is directly proportional to the area of a plate over the distance between the plates (well, and multiplied by the permittivity of free space and the

@starlightmica: yeah but it was created in March of 2001...

@Kaiser-Machead: Haha, I totally forgot about that xkcd! Perhaps it was in my sub-conscious when I posted... weird.

In other news, two men were found dead in their backyard due to what appears to be over-inhalation of chlorinated dioxins. The charred remains of an iPhone is thought to be the culprit.

I just punched a small child in the face.

@ReelScience: Actually, from an Electrical Engineering standpoint, the antenna thing IS a design flaw. The placement causes attenuation issues when held there. FACT.

@Siderz: 100% incorrect. What is happening is an attenuation of the signal, caused by placement of the antennas and, likely, poor antenna design. Antennas have many features, VSWR, polarization, etc. Any one of these could be a problem but I can absolutely guarantee it's not a software problem.

@crustyxpunk: Actually, because they need to hire more workers to make the switch in the factory, the prices will actually be going UP.

@ModernBawhair: Especially in the likely case that the balloon was carrying a zombie virus. No one likes zombie viruses. (Except other zombies)

@Travis Gohr: It's true. Now be VERY careful, the following link can send anyone, and I mean ANYONE, into a frenzied rage. I highly suggest isolating yourself from friends and loved ones lest you feel the need to stab them repeatedly to vent your frustration. Trust me, I'm still serving my first life sentence.

@Justin: But where's the fun in that?

Science is ever changing and ever expanding. That's why this engineer at least had the reservation to say "existing technologies, materials and physical laws".