
I was also wondering this. According to the website FAQs:

A Robot Named Fight is a surprisingly good Metroidvania with procedural generation. Uses a similar method of pre-fabricated rooms stitched together randomly, and since it’s a roguelike, the different map generation helps make each run unique. It leans heavily on Super Metroid, so some runs use double jump and slide to

A great example of a procedural Metroidvania (+roguelike) is A Robot Named Fight. The map loops back on itself, with several movement-based abilities enabling access to new areas throughout the game. And since it’s a roguelike, the random generation is fully appreciated. I actually think this could be a big genre for

Just downloaded Gotta Protectors this morning, what an amazingly fun game. Really simple premise but has an awesome RPG-loop with equipment and skills upgrading. Quite impressed by the variety of playstyles too, it’s like an incredibly modern NES game. Great recommendation, thanks!