
it's ok. I think most around here would have figured it out anyhow.

The AV Club

Really liked this episode and the challenges. Watching Sarah get all gaspy-hands-over-mouth weird about Charlize Theron was so awkward, thoug., I could barely watch. I get it: she's a good actress and super pretty, but come on! It was embarrassing.

What a great episode - but I wasn't expecting another cliffhanger. I would've loved an ending that felt more like and ending - but if this means another series, I guess I'll take it.

I don't really consider The Daily Show and Colbert Report 'late-night talk shows' but that's just semantics. I certainly could have been more clear.

It IS dirty, but more like gym socks or kitty beds. Grody.

He's why the qualifier 'for the most part' is in there!

I'd still rather watch Leno then Chelsea Lately. Clearly not saying much, I know. Late-night talk shows just seem like something that should go away, for the most part. Don't they?

I like their website, and I really like the podcast - I think if you haven't listened much before, this latest episode might be a little off-putting.

I like Top Chef - I really do. But for me, this episode - and there have been episodes with similar situations in past seasons - undermines the real competitive aspect. Not for a second do I believe that Heather and Beverly were paired up by accident.

Yuck. Grodiest typo ever.

It *is* weird. Sadly, also the most interesting thing this season so far.

Tom seems like he hates all these people.

For some reason - not because I'm smart or pay tons of attention to detail - I had a gut feeling this episode would be a setup for next season. 
As a season finale, kind of a dud. Still looking forward to next season.

Oh, no.

Isn't this this show with the ad where the dude says, "There's no crying in catering"? I figured a show on Bravo about catering would be just packed with tears.

How about Red Dead Redemption? The ending was pretty badass but not particularly upbeat.

"Horror film" is exactly the vibe I got from this whole season. The scene with the killer in the office building is one of the more messed-up scenes I've watched on TV. Loved it. Any word on a 3rd season?

That's too bad.