
Home is where the part is!

You want some boxes? I’ve got boxes. I have a bad habit of hoarding cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes whenever something comes in through the mail. If you don’t tell anyone about my box hoarding, I won’t call Car Protective Services on you. Deal?

Can one get tetanus from the internet?

You shut your whore mouth! 

Am I the only one who really doesn’t like their car to be a color with my vehicles being gray , black , white and silver.

My guess is that she didn’t have GAP coverage, which is an expensive lesson. I can easily see a Kia like this losing half of the sales-price. Especially if the purchaser rolled-in some upside-down debt from a trade-in.

Windows 9 4life cuz!

ArmoredTitan was making a joke about your misspelling of “lose”.

What was half the memory loosed upon?

Windows Vista at launch?

Anyone still bitching about Vista after Windows 7 was released is fucking clueless. The Vista kernel was updated to largely match 7 and they’re virtually identical except for visual elements and exclusive new features that were introduced in 7.

Also to require that supposed “unskilled” jobs pay living wages.

In all fairness she has had more shit thrown at her than any other politician.

It’s one thing to not like a candidate because of personality, but for people who saw and heard Trump and said, “yeah, imma vote for him because, you know, I just don’t like Hillary.”

This may well be common knowledge, but I for one am surprised that Meghan McCain is a Trump apologist. Not because she’s John McCain’s daughter (he’s a showboating, craven weasel who has made a career out of being a former POW), but because she was so visible in that NOH8 campaign a few years ago. I thought she had a

There is one wire coming from the ignition switch. (Sorry I can not remember the color.) After the car is running you can either de-pin it, or cut it, and passlock will no longer try and relearn a new code. It also makes it stupid easy if anyone would ever want to steal the car.

Cheap, Light, Safe

Consumers: We want more fuel efficient cars.
Industry: Here’s a 50 mpg CRX.
Consumers: AWESOME.
Government: That’s not safe. Make it heavier.
Industry: These new cars are safe, but not very efficient.
Government: Unacceptable. Make them more efficient.
Physics: Psht. Heh.
Industry: These are safe and efficient, but not in