Any piece of automotive journalism that ends in a familial testicle count is good automotive journalism.
Any piece of automotive journalism that ends in a familial testicle count is good automotive journalism.
I bet you cried when you watched the short film about ants, though.
Running clockwise on the track.
I submit that Nascar has a troll race. Prius’s only, driven by multi-racial people all along the gender spectrum with EU flags instead of American ones.
Well, to anti-choicers, it kinda is mass murder. When dudes do it, anyway.
Dwight Eisenhower made one gigantic mistake as president, and there can be argument about other blunders. He overthrew, at the bidding of what would become British Petroleum, a democratically elected prime minister in Iran, a slowly but surely modernizing nation that would have been a beacon to others in the region…
Did you teleport here from the 70s?
This is a fallacy. Any car can drive for a short distance on water. You just need enough speed and you skip like a stone. She just wasn’t trying hard enough.
At first I thought this was about a teacher’s strike in a town/County named ‘Zephyr.’
You’re fighting the good fight. I agree with you 1000%.
That’s what HOAs are for. If you can’t stand the sight of a well-kept, expensive trailer in someone’s driveway, you should make your largest investment in a neighborhood where the HOAs motto is: “Absolutely no fun allowed, whatsoever!”
It’s a crappy point. It looks terrible.
I hate matte black paint jobs.
You’re reading a “... for Hillary” where this post does not include one. Donald Trump does not do anything for anyone who is not Donald Trump.
My 3 month old son was in TEARS yesterday when he realized only women can be president and that Hillary Clinton hates him. I’m 95% sure that’s why he was upset. Of course I drank his tears to regenerate my power.
This would’ve been an excellent opportunity to say, you know, “Whether you’re a boy or you’re a girl, both of you, my job will be to make sure it’s equally an option for both of you.
Always use tuner companies that are located within strangling distance.
He flies under the radar because Steve Batshit King sucks up all the national media time.
This is the most effective that Tebow has ever been through the air.
Ok it’s fast, we get it. How does it swim?