I think the whole header is a trigger warning, actually. If you keep reading an article with a header like that, it's not going to be puppies and rainbows.
I think the whole header is a trigger warning, actually. If you keep reading an article with a header like that, it's not going to be puppies and rainbows.
"I'm praying for you both?" Might as well have just said "Oh, bless your hearts."
Yep. It's never about abortion access, per se. It's about poor women's abortion access. Because affluent women will always be able to get an abortion.
Prolife evangelical Republicans have just as much illicit unsanctioned out-of-wedlock sex and get just as many abortions as anybody else. They just view their circumstance as *exceptional* in every single case. They're the biggest horndog hypocrites of all.
But on the other, pretending that there isn't an element of hypocrisy among pro-life lawmakers who will never personally have to worry about their own access to abortion ... and definitely will not have to worry about their theoretical daughters' access to abortion ...
This. I want to talk more about this. It's so…
I feel like this whole thread escalated REALLY quickly.
These people need to get a grip. You are allowed to have an opinion about a celebrity and it doesn't have to provoke so much hostility. Jeez!
She isn't telling 'young women', she is telling 'a young woman'. Big dif. Do you also believe that a woman and/or feminist should never criticize another woman?
"very talented" is stretching it a bit, don't you think?
Yeah, that's what I mean. I'm not into the pop business for teens but Lorde gained my attention for a second there.
I love everyone taking this so personally!
Yeah, don't bother. They take out all the dark political undertones and replace them with the happy fwappy song and dance bullshit. The music isn't even cool... it's that modern musical Phantom of the Opera/Rent crap. It's so awful... I was so upset when I saw what they did to it. I just want them to make a real movie…
"pretty obvious that she reached out to Lorde and made a big effort to be her friend and guide her through the frightening and sudden process of becoming a global pop sensation."
Adele Dazeem will never not be funny. It's been two days and I'm still laughing. I don't know what's wrong with me. Sorry, John.
I believe it translates into 'Family has money, lives in LA'. Also, I may be wrong, but I believe she's dating the snapchat CEO?
WHY IN THE FUCK does this lady think that any college-aged woman will want to read this shit? No seriously, I'm 22 and graduated university last May. I can't imagine any woman on my college campus reading this drivel for serious life advice. If you're in college and are a woman in this time and day, you're there…
I've watched this clip of John Travolta so many times and yet it never gets old. WICKEDly Adele Dazeeeemmmmm.
They totally shortened it. They cut off a whole stanza! First Travolta botches her name and then they rush her through a three minute song. I'd be pissed too.
"Adele Dazim." Nailed it, Travolta.