
I am having an empowerment overdose. This word has been used so frequently in so many contexts that it has lost all meaning. At its beginnings, "empowerment" was a word that used to be associated with a structural view of social problems and that encouraged large scale actions to promote social change. Self-esteem is

These companies don't care about women. They care about profits. If "caring" about women ensures greater profits, then that will be reflected in their business model. It's called capitalism and it's nothing new.

"This empowerment comes in a few different forms"


The day I lost my virginity went like this:

He is, indeed.

Here's the thing, gentlemen. Idris Elba doesn't have to do ANY of that, and he is still the most deisrable ever. Beucase he is Idris Elba. So keep on grabbing tampons and finding cell phones, because that is what you have to do to make up for the fact that you aren't Idris Elba.

But 40 is HELLA OLD! Karlie Kloss should be ashamed to be living in a stylish 40-year-old's fancy NYC apartment! How embarrasing for her, right?

My friends are constantly kidding themselves that ikea is clean lines and modern and chic. I mean, it looks fine and it fingers crossed isn't gonna collapse on anyone. You gotta ball on a budget. But, c'mon. Let's stop pretending its nice, friends

What the fuck was the point of this post, though? That's what I'm really trying to figure out. She has "old lady" taste? So? Maybe she likes the aesthetic of Dynasty. Mature tackiness is very in right now. She's 21. She'll change her mind before the year's out. She's not messy? And? I don't leave pizza boxes all over

Maybe you are missing the fact that she has a ton of money and can afford high-end furniture and isn't buying Ikea? As soon as anyone I knew could afford nice furniture their places started looking more mature and less like stuff they got for free from family and friends with wildly different tastes.

Can you 20-somethings and 30-somethings please stop calling yourselves "old"? Because it is pathetic, and, perhaps actually a little off-putting to those of us who actually fit the moniker. It isn't cute or funny or precious: it is just ridiculous, and self-aggrandising. You only say it because you know that you are

Hmmmm. Did this even require a shaming/scolding? It's like the site trying to find a reason to disapprove of her—to the point of criticizing "childish antics" it would be defending against slut shaming for any of the Jezebel-approved artists.

I think it's really personal preference. I'm puerto rican which is technically hispanic but I'm also allowed to choose white if I want to. I wish we could just get rid of the whole race thing. It's pointless to identify my race on paper, just pointless.

People LOVED Heidi Klum and Seal, Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odem, and rooted for both couples. People found Kim and Kanye annoying separately, that's the problem. His persona to the press hasn't changed because they're a couple. They treat him like the same guy he's always been.

Which is somehow less acceptable than white man-black woman?

If my waiter spent 20 minutes sitting at my table ranting about shit in the world and how awesome he is at waitering instead of bringing me my damn food, he'd probably wind up with a 2 dollar tip.

But people on Facebook shouldn't HAVE to complain loudly about individual cases of sexual assault for them to be investigated and taken seriously. This should happen automatically.

Sure, it's crass, but... Aahh, hahaha, we all know the type of person that calls for blood over THIS shit while doing nothing about behavior in the military that's, you know, actually immoral and awful instead of just lewd.