
That's not what I mean. I mean, do you understand how historical racial and gender dynamics manifest in economic, political, and cultural systems and individual instances today? If so, we have a foundation for a conversation. If not, you need to do a little reading/observing reality.

Do have any formal understanding of how power structures work in the US/UK?

I think you know EXACTLY why women...

He only takes pictures of women. The website is gendered.

Yes. Constant policing of women's bodies and actions in public. Fucking disgusting - his comments clear up any minuscule possibility that this isn't incredibly misogynist.

HAHAHA I'm dying at the responses you're getting. Usually "cue the" posts proactively shut down MRA idiots and other male idiots, but so many dudes purposefully decided to circumvent your initial roadblock to prove that, no matter what you do proactively, they WILL be idiots! "I'm not going to manifest male privilege

Agree. His description put any comparison to rest.

Did you read this article? Did you even read the headline?

STOP. Please don't post things about African-American tendencies to justify exclusion from anything. You just brought a pretty innocuous omission to the next level.

Now playing

if you would be horrified seeing someone slam a native, or a black woman, or a chinese woman, why the double standard that it's alright to do it to white people?

"White people ruining slang" is not oppression. While stealing and killing are on a spectrum of crimes, "white people ruining slang" is not on the oppression spectrum because saying "white people ruin slang" will never result in prolonged denial of rights and unjust treatment of white people.

When I don't want to type as much as you just did, I like to hit 'em with this:

RIGHT??? It can't be cultural appropriation if almost every single element of popular culture in US history was stolen? What is this logic?

I do realise that this feeling of othering is just fraction of what POC or GLBTQI may experience on a daily basis

saying that cultural appropriation is bullshit is akin to saying that history and culture are created in a vacuum

You didn't think I was a MONSTER for posting a "white tears" gif??? It was truly a monstrous act, akin to systemic racism and genocide!!1! Do you have no sense of outrage when you see oppression? Maybe YOU are a monster too!!!