Wouldn't you???? This video is still driving me crazy.
Wouldn't you???? This video is still driving me crazy.
No, it's reality. Are you a white man? Then that's why you're not aware of privilege - it's designed to give you advantages at every conceivable turn without you knowing. It's not your fault you have it but it is your fault if you remain willfully ignorant of the system of advantage given to you because of your race…
This stuff is disturbing but it happens often, usually to children in communities who never get a voice or attention on their deaths. Reading about it is really important because if you don't, it still happens - and reading about it doesn't even compare to the reality of living it. Not trying to be harsh with you; as…
HA! Just read that your response to my previous comment and this foolish response to yours and I kind of want to keep re-posting that Shonda Rimes quote...maybe put it over Highlander image: THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE...BLACK WOMAN AND SHE HAS TO BE PERFECT.
Ah, begs my favorite philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and knowledge of reality: If a culture exists on a non-colonialized continent, and there's no white person around to minimize the culture into a few misunderstood symbols, justify its destruction by portraying it as…
Me too - he was clearly thinking "-and" as in "hand" not "wohnd". But I'm such a visual, not auditory person, so it was just so clearly VISIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
Not to be creepy, but I was actually reading a post the other day (who the hell knows what it was) and thinking, "I wish KrishnaPineapple would come here and comment on this." I miss when we @tagged people. Have you had a bunny before?? They are the BEST pets. So easy to housetrain, mine was snuggly (well, he'd…
Magic wand!!! GAHHHHHD! SPIDER woman??? This video actually murdered me. My skin is crawling like when I look at images of those flower pods with too many holes.
Yes, but he didn't tell me. I figured it out. I am not in this relationship anymore. I highly, highly do not recommend moving forward but hopefully (for all three or more of your involved) it ends up better for you.
You admire a rustic colonial aesthetic that have been imposed on the several nations, tribes, and countries collectively known as Africa.
I think a lot of it is b) because Arizona does have some serious drug problems and residual crimes that are associated with such high-level organized crime, so it's an attempt to get drug associates for anything you can get em on. However, I think the people writing the laws have a set idea of what "those criminals"…
Time to bring back a favorite video and song.
I don't have time to read your whole comment right now, but I will return to it because you put a lot of thought into it and I'm interested to hear what you wrote. Just from reading the first bit, I can see that where we differ is on our definition of racism - that should clear a lot up.
Via the ACLU article:
You don't care about doing right; you care about me not pointing out your privilege because it makes you uncomfortable. You wish I'd shut up about it and take action, so you wouldn't have to hear about it.