
Nintendo: “We’ll take Torbjorn”

They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.

E3 Fever Strikes
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It’s Kotaku XP, our weekly video discussion of hot Kotaku topics! This week, E3 fever has infiltrated the collective

Spoken like someone who cares more about feeling superior than someone who actually cares about understanding what’s happening.

This is why esports are not sports, and anyone who thinks they are...are millennials. Real sports have a mentor, a couch, a trainer. Video games have sweaty sexually frustrated trolls sitting alone with their microphones basing their entire importance in life around something that is literally virtual.

The media I consume is video games, and people have been calling each other faggots and niggers in video games since well before Kotaku even existed. I guess you could say it isn’t news in the sense that it’s business as usual, but then so is sexual harassment in the workplace.

My hot take: Kotaku is writing articles

Tim, I love you. Don’t change.



Yes. The first 45 minutes of the bug yapping at you gets me to quit every damn time.

I, uh . . . I kinda want to take this one step further.

I don’t like Zelda games. Okami is basically just a very pretty Legend of Zelda, and I never got into it either. I’ve played every single one prior to Twilight Princess, and I always just find myself annoyed at the feeling that I’m constantly missing things. When

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Track: Minneapolis | Artist: That Dog | Album: Retreat from the Sun

This is my favorite Tim Rogers video that I’ve seen.

On average, approximately 8.4% of my attempts to comment on Kotaku are ever approved and visible to the public, not because they violate any sort of rule or are offensive, but because they were posted more than 15 minutes after the article was originally published

while cloaked in partial sarcasm/silliness (as most things should be), this was a really insightful review of some essential mechanics that make these games compelling - ty Tim

I suspect I’m of the same generation as you are, Cecilia. It’s clear to me that something like modern day text messaging serves a very similar purpose as AIM did back then, even though it feels entirely different. It loses the Emily is Away feel to it. Although it also brings up another possibility: maybe it’s exactly

So do I! That doesn’t mean I’m fond of a borderline predatory system being put on top of it.

I mean, option three is not create a revenue model that incentives the very act of playing in a repetitive, obnoxious fashion in order to trigger the skinner box reaction of randomly unlocking a ‘cool’ thing as a byproduct of using said psychology to encourage players to eventually put money into a glorified slot

Paying taxes means nothing if you’re voting people in to do nothing with those taxes but halt human progress and assure our grand kids starve to death in a climate that can no longer support them.