
10. Chrysler Sebring

I hop on the highway with my bike and I am frickin dialed in...looking ahead, checking sides, LOOKING AHEAD.

There is no valid reason to be traveling that fast on the freeway.

Well THAT was an overreaction...

That doesn't mean it's OK to make no effort whatsoever to identify the original source, and post five LiveLeak videos you absolutely KNOW are ripped every week. It's lazy, and it rewards the assholes doing the reposting.

He would have made it, if it wasn't for Bob.

Lane splitting at a traffic light or heavy slow traffic is great for me, the four wheeled aficionado who doesn't ride the two wheeled conveyances.

Now playing

Oh look! A link to the original, longer video on YouTube that ISN'T YET ANOTHER LIVELEAK SHITPOST!

Am I doing this right?

I am quite fond of Eric Clapton's creation-

Agreed. Also, this is a counter-suit to the one the families have launched against her, so one can only assume her insurance company has something to do with this. The way this article is presented is click bait plain and simple. While the counter-suit is cruel, it's more indicative of how the system is set up

phew, finally, now you guys can shut the hell up.

I like mine better

a graph for the TL;DR type

Hey. I'm a flight attendant for a big US airline (not United).

When I flew United a few weeks ago they made a specific announcement that photos are allowed to be taken for personal use but to refrain from taking pictures of the flight attendants performing their duties. First time I'd heard it announced and I fly them a lot.

Now I have mixed feelings. United vs Google Glass...which offends me more?

Someone probably complained. "Security Concerns is probably just code"- lets be honest, most people overreact when confronted about things like this, especially those who seem to base their lives around the Google Ecosystem(Who uses Google+?). Remember when all of the smoking bans went into place and people got

10 years ago if someone told me that I'd be able to buy a FIAT in the states again, I would have said they were nuts. I can't really think of any brand that had as much specific negative brand equity as FIAT. Yet - here we are.