
Cockpit in a cock pit, I suppose

Seriously?! The phrase "plane in her vagina" didn't give that away?

that needs a NSFW tag...stat...

If you care more about how your car sounds than how it performs, I can't help you.

you can't say that! its a ferrari!

Anyone else notice how the bowtie doesn't center up with the horizontal bar? wtf.

Now with 5 grill openings... It's magical.

The 2015 Cruze. Chevrolet: Don't find new roads, just kinda re-stripe the old roads & then call them new roads.

God dammit. Everything about this story is infuriating.

Another day, another reason to dislike power-tripping egomaniacs who think a badge gives them carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want.

Another day, another reason to dislike the government.

Orlove is hipster enough to wear chain mail...

If we can get Orlove to wear some large foam-protective suit, I don't think anyone would mind seeing this thing get rolled a few times at the end of a review.

Via satirical site Sniff Petrol: 'For too long BMW has had its own way in selling cars to fucking dreadful human beings,' admitted Merc marketing director Marc Merketing-Direktor. 'The Concept Coupe SUV shows that we too understand how to appeal to customers who are a despicable waste of blood and organs'.

Whatever the fuck this is.

Lexus' designs are so inconsistent as of recent. I would even go as far as to say that they're sloppy. Lines don't flow, design proportions are off. I don't think anyone will look back on this generation with admiration or praise for the looks.

Those black fender covers make it look like the fender gap is huge.