
Where is Eva Green's emmy????

"Luckily, French New Wave doesn't much give a shit."

With or without cynicism, you can ambitiously promote "humanism" with nuance. You can ambitiously promote "humanism" without ideological naivete. You can, in nutshell, ambitiously promote "humanism" without sweeping philosophical cliches that refuse to engage with intersectionality, citizenship and other core thematic

The music was lovely but if you need over 5 tedious minutes of women birthing babies in pools and cop cars to illustrate the emotional impact of re-experiencing one's own birth then you seriously need to reconsider the effectiveness of your storytelling skills.

This is a not a game. You don't get a prize for ass kissing every detail of Sense8. We are all merely expressing our opinions and we are not obligated to agree with each other. Cheers!!

It is a niche program but I was willing to go along with it (still am). I find the premise intriguing and the show has executed some inventive stylistic choices so far (I mean, I'm still watching so that's saying something). However, the lack of nuance makes the viewing experience excruciating. I literally felt like

This episode, in my opinion, was philosophically tedious, overwrought and laborious. And those cliched "death is only the beginning" assertions had me rolling my eye balls. Wachowskis need to practice some restrain. This was all too much. Too much. Overdone, overcooked, excessive.

This is, without a doubt, my favorite episode so far (I'm still on ep 8). Funny critics said the show finds its feet in ep 6. Ep 7, in my opinion, is when it all comes together.

This is not a GoT book club. We are talking about the HBO series.You get a brownie for reading those horribly written sentences. Yay for you.

All the characters you named have been given complexity and depth, even Theon. Sansa has not been afforded such luxury. Now that's what the harsh: her paper thin character. And that is why people are outraged because for 3 seasons, her character has been nothing but a foil and a punching bag. Cosmic right-and-wrong

Don't complain if you want to complain about people complaining. See how ridiculous your logic sounds? ;)

"Theon-redemption arc?" but what about Sansa-can we please even set an arc in motion arc?? This girl has done nothing but sulk for three seasons straight and endure verbal abuse. Where is her own arc? People are outraged because this Sansa story line is starting to feel like torture porn.

If Sansa's character had an arc, I would defend the writers but she's basically been moaning and sobbing for three seasons straight, helpless and without any strategy. She has not been afforded the complexity the other characters enjoy, so are people really shocked that rape scene pushed audiences over the edge? The