
To me, it’s kind of like the difference between baseball and soccer. If I walk past my local park, I almost always see a group of people playing soccer. After all, it’s easy. You get a ball, a certain number of folk and have at it. Everyone runs after the ball and has a whale of a time.

It's usually flag football game played and coached by all girls and boys will typically be dancers or cheerleaders. We did it in high school in the spring I think

I don’t know, isn’t it pretty much the case that ALL greek philanthropy kind of requires other greeks to do the heavy lifting? In my sorority, we had anchor splash/smash and it was 95% fraternities who were involved, coordinating costumes/routines/raising money/etc. Our sorority participated in Derby Days (it was

As if that weren’t already a narrow pool of suspects, Browns starters have since raced to deny it was them—six players at latest count (not including Josh McCown, who probably doesn’t need to issue a denial).

I don’t trust Alex Mack’s denial, something tells me this guy has a secret world.

That’s the internet for you. He’s whining about something but keeping it very vague because he has no idea what he’s talking about.

Even incomplete as it is, it’s easily an 8/10 or 9/10 game at worse. The gameplay alone pushes it that far, I think.

Get Doug Demuro to ask Land Rover instead. I bet their PR department will jump at the chance to let Doug “test drive” this model with the entire Land Rover engineering department showing up at the test track with live RPGs’ and AK-47s’.

Careful son, that’s libel. He might just Ndamukong Sue.

[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?

Geez. I hope he’s not living hand to mouth

Don’t forget random cog in Seattle defense Byron Maxwell, who got $63 million to watch the game from on the field. It’s like he’s in a fantasy camp.

I just walked 34 feet down the hallway at work, untouched. I think I can play RB for the Eagles.

No. Because you drive a Prius.

I drive a Prius. Does this negate every single “shoulda bought a diesel bro” comment on Jalopnik I’ve been forced to read over the past 10 years?

I say mandatory buy back at original sticker price for every vw tdi, the max fine and all the cars crushed.

Untruth in Engineering

What? She was getting a standing ovation as she exited, that’s par for the course in these awards shows. Were they supposed to be wildly cheering, screaming, and otherwise interrupting her moment?

Keeping you and your loved ones from getting killed seems like a pretty good use of money. And there are parts of the world where armed kidnapping is pretty common - there are estimates that there were close to 30,000 kidnappings in Mexico last year.