oh... almost forgot the magical crumbling underhood wiring harness...
oh... almost forgot the magical crumbling underhood wiring harness...
I learned from that car that Volvo sometimes had a tendency to snatch parts from other manufacturers' shelves when building their own cars and didn't seem all that concerned as to the quality of said parts. My 740 had a Jeep transmission, a Mitsubishi turbo, Porsche distributor components, etc...
one up by the Puppeteers...
I had an '86. I Loved that car when it ran... but it hardly ever ran. If I hadn't moved across the country, I might have been able to 'fix it permanently' with a Ford V8 and a 5-speed, but alas, that wasn't an option. LOVED the interior. I almost always had the backseat flipped down so I could use it as a truck of…
dammit. You just gave me an earbug.
I can't help but wonder as to the viability of an onboard petro/ethanol/bio-powered generator or tow-along unit such as the one supposedly in development by AC Propulsion for the TZero... Jaguar had some luck with tiny turbine gens in the C-X75 in just such an application.
How much of that gas is spewing out of Rick Perry's mouth?
'a coupe million dollars'...
I removed the snarky "We're all better than you" sentiment.
"Give it another year and there will be superchargers near you."
...and have a panic attack, freak out in the air, get arrested for demanding I be sedated by the staff... not everyone loves to fly.
as long as you utilize Lithium-3-Deuteride, which is ONLY used in the atomic weapons industry, there -might- be a chance that an actual hydrogen infrastructure is plausible, but at $100k just for the materials for a decent-sized storage tank and the peripheral controls, it's not likely.
I have to drive an hour just to get Indian food... that battery would be toast within a year, I'm sure.
I want a Model S, but where I live is an issue. It's 'kinda' legal to buy one here, but the closest Supercharger is at least one state away. Were I to go to either coast, I would have to severely mangle any time constraints and add several hundred miles to the trip in order to make it happen, regardless of the fact…
Honestly, with Spacex and his Dragon V2 (I really despise the idea of the term 'V2' being associated with any kind of rocket...), his funds are elsewhere. Russia's hissy fit with the ISS may have made a window of opportunity for his Spacex venture that took precedence over any 'bonus perks' being developed for the…
since the plate was designed as a drop in amendment and made available for existing vehicles free-of-charge, I'd think the installation was/is pretty simple. The mechanism to add it into the process is likely another 'head swap' for the robotic assembly. The robots in the factory multitask a great deal of the time and…
Honestly, I think the development of a swapping station for anything but fleet operations is a waste of money. Musk is going to be making batteries soon. Not just for Tesla, but for Panasonic and any other company that comes along.
right now, I firmly believe all future wars will be fought with cell phones and garbage... and the internet.