Bill Cosby is in this?
Bill Cosby is in this?
There is no way Anna Wintour gave permission for this. Absolutely no way.
Kanye will never condemn a serial rapist. He didn't with Cosby and he refused to talk about Ian Connor. Kanye has serious serious issues with women. Having Rhianna next to Chris Brown is more proof of that.
I get a creepy Jonestown vibe from that video.
great! between this and colourpop lippies, my plan to look like a budget version of kylie jenner is coming along nicely.
It’s almost darker that a lot of the women were in prison to cover up for men in their lives (Aleida + Red) and some were in prison for really minor infractions. Red wasn’t a murderer, but the guards treated her like she was when they were looking for who murdered the body in the garden.
Yes, that epic night! It’s a reminder too that a magical night can end in an arrest, which in turn can lead to prison and being accidentally murdered by a guard. SOOO many people did illegal stuff in that episode, from the people drinking out of a flask on the subway, to the folks at the party and the monks all…
Thank you, froggyd. I never thought of the “bone” connection with dinosaurs!
Let’s do one of those pretend conversations here. Kanye calls Taylor: