
0 power consumption = good.

I don't need no stinking sky. Google Sky shows me everything I need to see.

@tomsomething: everything Romania is NSFW. if you don't believe me, visit the country between April 15 and September 15.

@michael.kuck: you sir, are now qualified to be a VP candidate. congratulation. your future career as a talking head on television is assured.

@Dare_not_speak_its_name: thank you. I've keep wondering what is going on ever since I read the post. could not come to terms with what is happening to the Gizmodo site... it's so nice to know that there are some people out there looking out for me.

@not_zooey: Dear not_zooey. You sir, are a douche! it is also, quite likely, against the terms of using FB.

kanye - pls don't copy this. actually, pls stop "making" music, or whatever you call that thing you keep selling. kaytxsby

"(A second security hole causing "voters to inadvertently return blank ballots" was identified by the nonprofit group Verified Voting. But it only affected Mac users, so you can basically assume they were all voting Democratic.)"

@qbrad: look on google maps. Danube is not exactly close, and there are no major tributaries around.

" I loved the idea that there is a world where high-tech paramilitary types rub shoulders with high fashion geeks" so it takes place in Moscow? oh... i thought it was Syfy. :)

i say we cover 2% of the the owners' bodies with the stuff and see if it actually is toxic. I'm thinking a little south of the border, so they can still make it on TV to tell us of the results.

at least there's no river around it to take it downstream.

@MarcusMaximus: fast forward the movie and see. You know, they came up with this new fangled theory where they release the movie on DVD while they are still filming it. :)

@ripfire: ahh... i don't think so. it's constant acceleration at 10m/s until you start deceleration.

@Vexxarr: cuddle time... who doesn't love cuddle time?! especially when it's JUST cuddle time. cos we all know, cuddle time is the most important time of all.

I think one should be mindful of what they save on. There are some things you can go cheap. There are some things you should not.

is this a veiled Gizmodo attempt to say the Romanians are full of Helium? Cos... let me tell you, that's just not true. :)

@VideoVampire: Well, WWI had it's moments. Especially when it was quiet. on the western front. ;)