
@Steve Climaco: it appears you are trying to control the discussion. Would you like some help?

instant gratification taken to a new level. forget thoughtful search - just click the first link you see. I said it before, and I'll say it again... we are getting dumber by the minute.

@Almightywhacko: maybe they will ship them with 3-4 chargers (so you can keep it plugged in everywhere you go) as well a solar-charger hat which you can sport "on the go." and, of course, a hamster wheel with a hamster and a dynamo, for those rainy days.

@InsidiousTuna: Mea Culpa. I had not seen that one before. Very good indeed.

@JoshUng: I DVR the stuff, and unless i went through a time worm-hole (in which case, how pissed am I that I did not check the lottery numbers?), i saw an episode about Monarch trying to arch Venture, getting some lawyer/devil character involved who will double cross everyone, and Henchman 21 and Brook getting

I thought the new season of Venture Bros started last Sunday. I might be wrong, but the episode last Sunday seemed to begin where the last season left off.

you can't have a superstructure in NYC because that would detract from the iconic image of the Empire State building.

yeah, well, they are not shooting at anyone right now... but after we "accidentally" hit someone's space-car, decompressing their cabin and forcing them to wear the space goggles, we better have something that can shoot at space invaders. Just saying...

at this point I can care less about any UI the manufacturer slaps on top of the OS. As long as it's rootable, it will be done, and at that point, their UI is irrelevant.

@D.LYTE: " I've always said, "Reality TV? You want more reality?" "

@Subliminal Bukkake: but are you an "insider." Because being JUST an early adopter don't cut it anymore in today's go-go world.

@Hello Mister Walrus: so you're saying that "The Situation" is not a douche? Cos I find that VERY hard to believe.

if this is true, the Jobs is even a bigger dickhead then i thought.

I keep a Victoria's Secret model in there at all times.

que "none of this shit works in my country" comments... NOW!

Grooveshark has a nice Android client that streams to your phone based on your likes (or even one single song you like). It works well. The Plus version also allows downloads to your phone (you know, for when you drive through "no signal" areas).

@s8ist: you pay for your cable service. But I doubt you would give that up just to take Apple's TV. Maybe some will, I don't know. I would not. I need news. I need news. I need sports. Hell, I need the beauty of fighting with my kid over the remote. :)

BTW - is Apple TV also Magical?