
oh... marketing thinking Sega needs a viral video campaign?

what you have to remember (when using Camera+) is that there are no volume buttons.

this is strangely enticing. Come on Verizon. you're my only hope.

@Malkyre: now, now... you know there will sell 3 million iTVs in "record time" making the iTV the fastest selling iTV of it's kind. It will be a fantastic, magical product. stop hating. :)

ahhhh.... I love you to Gizmodo. I do. I really, really do. And I'll think of you all day tomorrow. But, you know... you've never been able to be monogamous. I just can't share you like that. it's not you. it's me... really.

wow. that is just brilliant. you're typing away to your boss and the phone just goes dead for lack of battery. WTF?! Was the Torch designed by Mr. Burns?

I'll be honest. I'll DVR a few episodes. But, based on the trailer, I'm not convinced.

nothing that a little anti-phonic insulation would not be able to fix. Oh well.

Doesn't look like the Hilton to me. The colors seem off. Then again, they might have changed in the past 4 years. Could be the Novotel a few blocks down - I think they had a purple color scheme.

@Crisss1205: that might just be your family.

can we finaly get past the idea that "she took him down?" I think the evidence is leaning toward something different. Whatever the sexual harassment charge might have been about, it looks like it had been resolved amicably and that Hurd got the boot for other reasons.

@CmooreInOR: valid point. But at the same time, there is a question of scale here. At some point, when Android will have taken the lion's share of the market, the cool apps will all be on Android not on the iPhone OS. And the, slowly, Apple will start losing market share.

@vsound: wait a couple of days. I'm sure someone is already working on it.

I take it QuickTime is not the same bloatware on OSX as it is on Windows.

what about Swype for the rest of us? When can we get that going?

rosa, rosa, rosa... don't you know that it's already 16:09 here on the east coast. I mean, come on now... I was waiting for this post all night. :D