
It’s disturbing how you leftist fascists think its cool and progressive to con people.

Face the truth, Michael. Hillary and the DNC offered no argument as to why they should receive the presidency, except that she wasn’t Donald Trump. That level of arrogance and entitlement are not attributes of leadership that should be allowed to wield the levers of world-dominating power.

You know what’s ironic about your rant against Trump? You censoring my comments. Hypocrite. You lefties are all the same — virtue-signalling fake news merchants.

“.....But when WE say Trump is Hitler, its totally true!”

There’s a world of difference between investing in stocks, and Hillary’s pay-for-play system. If you can’t (or won’t) make a distinction, then you’re not thinking rationally.

Maybe you liberals should have more kids. Then you’d become conservatives.

More Californians wanted “progress”. Excepting California, Trump wins the popular vote (by over a million votes) as well as the electoral vote. Thanks to the founding fathers, no one state gets to elect the president. Democracy at work.

The only evidence for your argument is that you say Trump is “actual self-admitted sexual assaulter”. Which is a lie. The rest of what you said was repeated word for word by CNN and others daily before the election. You’re a mindless drone.

The poor mostly voted for Trump. Your argument makes no sense.

Hitler raised genuine grievances — Germany was saddled with excessive reparations debt after WWI. Anyone with half a measure of sense knows this. The common thread connecting dictators is NOT that they blame outsiders, but that they impose a harsh, cruel, lawless mandate on those beneath them. And until Trump actually

Real men are scary to those who support injustice while virtue-signalling false liberty.

Requiring a photo ID to vote is voter suppression, eh? You live in an alternate universe if you really believe that’s something you should oppose.

Its not like both candidates didn’t know the rules going into the election. Trump ran his campaign KNOWING he needed 270 Electoral votes. WTF was your candidate doing??

You people are so ignorant. Obama administration is as we speak cracking down on freedom of the press. With the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, President Obama has signed the “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” into law, effectively putting all speech under federal control.

You mean bringing jobs back to America, denouncing China’s hostility, making peace with Russia, lowering the cost of military contracts, and increasing economic confidence? All before officially being sworn in, I might add.

Agreed. Trump is much more complex than most people realize.

Gotta call BS on that one. Trump is a much better friend to Jews than Obama, who not 3 days ago stabbed Israel in the back by abstaining from the UN vote and thereby rejecting East Jerusalem as Jewish property. Trump has publicly affirmed his support for the Jewish state.

Trump is dangerous to your communist ideology, that much is true.

You mean, lose the ability to overpay for health coverage until they are dead broke...

Oh come on. Hillary Clinton had a friend who used to recruit for the KKK -LITERALLY. Try again.