
...a longer wheelbase than its predecessor, meaning its wheels will be further apart

Do any of those have a 10-year/100k-mile warranty?

Do we really have to say, “Seven One Eight Boxster Spyder”?! Can’t they just call it, “718 Spyder”? That’s much easier on the eyes, tongue, and ears.

Smart Cars ForTwos. FTFY

*Refused. You’re correct, back when it was first being established, Cobb County absolutely refused. They even set up a not-racist-at-all city (Chattahoochee Plantation) in order to prevent Atlanta from annexing the sections of Cobb that butt up against the Atlanta city limits. However, in the years since MARTA’s

You’re one of the rare few that can get by without a car. In most other cities with a public transport system, you can conveniently get by without a car while living almost anywhere in the metro-area. I live in East Cobb and MARTA is completely useless to me. I can get to midtown via I-75 faster than I can get to the

This is the most horrible thing I’ve seen in a very long time. I love it.

::Waves back, smiles way too enthusiastically::

Nice to see you’re still giving your trademark awards.

I would pay good money to Kickstarter for a proper Bill & Ted sequel with Keanu and Alex.

Your hackjob is so bad it gave me cancer.

Except that one of the reasons the ‘Ring times are held in such high esteem is that it’s more road than track.

Neutral: No RWD because they’re all based on unibody, FWD sedan-platforms.

You guys are looking at the wheel...I’m just astounded that the truck got completely obliterated into a cloud of dust!

So, using my phone is draining the battery. Got it.

This is an exceedingly bad idea. But, because this is the USA and because someone, somewhere can make money, there’s always a possibility.


Is there some “thin blue line” code that prevents cops from saying, “Oops, my bad”? It seems like many of the cops-acting-poorly stories in the news could be avoided if, during training, cops were taught that it’s OK to make a small mistake now and then. I mean...they are human.

I think this is apropos.

Of course this is what you post today! Hum are playing a show tonight in Atlanta...and I can’t go.