For me it's definitely the Batmobile from the original TV series followed closely by my General Lee Wrist Racer.
Lane splitting is perfectly safe at all times and should always be allowed. Anyone who thinks lane splitting is dangerous is an ill-informed, cage-driving moron.*
In other news, Buck Showalter enjoys sour grapes.
Nothing against the FR-S, I think it's great and if I only wanted a car that was fun to drive, it would be the one I chose. But, I'm not a man of means with a different vehicle for different needs. I need my car to do more than one thing. I need it to be fun to drive, able to transport my kids, able to accommodate a…
Thinking along "bro" lines, a batshit babe is one you would consider banging if given the chance. I wouldn't want to bang a murderer. Omit.
Well there's your problem right there. You have a Torchinsky where the engine is supposed to go.
Disabled vehicle? The only point any vehicles were disabled in this story were after the accident.
Double fuck that! My claustrophobia kicks in just looking at where his face is. Thinking about being wedged in there, on my side after a gust knocks me over is giving me hives.
Um, I think you dropped some sarcasm there. I almost stepped in it.
I can't lie, I wanted a 1st-gen Rocky.
Seeing a '57 Bel Air unrestored makes me sad and hopeful at the same time. I hope someone makes it beautiful again.
Who is this Press guy and why are you getting his e-mail?
I'm good at my job.
I love them both.
Why does it take him so long to get off the line? Also, why so long in between shifts?
Any time anyone says "fakey", I think of this
Simply Epic and truly worthy of COTD.