Well done. That's excellent!
While that's an awful thing to have happen, I nominate Jason for #COTD for the headline of this story.
If you can't Dodge it, Ram it (into the water).
I love this game...but I think I'm drinking too face. I can't feel my much.
"Mirror? Firewall? But that should be right up fr—
Yeah. When I mouse over your screen names in this thread, I see two different account names. It's happened to others as well.
For major sporting events, such as the Super Bowl, the "championship" T-shirts (and hats are printed up for both teams; which is why the winning team gets theirs immediately after the victory. The shirts and hats for the losing team are donated to faraway countries. Yes, right now, there's a child somewhere in a 3rd…
You may have created a second account accidentally. Try logging in with your user name instead of your screen name.
Perfect! :D
Pretty much every MadLibs ever.