
Those aren't donuts, THESE are donuts.

The Devil collects his due in sneaky and unsuspecting ways.

As a car, it's value is crappy. As ballast, it becomes extremely valuable.

How much does it cost to fully charge the batteries of an average electric car? Was that taken into consideration in this study? If not, is it truly negligible enough to be left out?

Why does your wife hate cute things?! D:

Corgi puppies approve of this COTD.

I've heard of collecting cones, but that's ridiculous.

yeah, but it won't have that Italian flavor.

I've never seen anything so monstrously hideous in my entire life. It's ridiculously stupid and unnecessary in every way possible. I love it.

I got my 2005 Mini Cooper S about 6 months before my older daughter was born. She is now almost 7 and I'm proud to say I still have it (the car lasted a second baby). I tried the hatch entry move early on, it wasn't effective. What I found worked the best was to get in on the opposite side of where the baby was

Unskilled DIY.


Ray, I love you, by why the snark in 3rd gear?

Well said, Mama TPG! Congrats on COTD.

Russians be crazy.

Not a chance, my father had one (though it was new at the time). It was awful. Also, I guess I needed a no. 6 up there with a maximum ground clearance.

Everyone else has great suggestions for what not to get. So, I'll list my criteria for what my kids will get. Granted, they're only 4 & 6 right now, but it's never too early to plan.

Happily married.

I like the CTS coupe. I think it looks great in person by today's standards. However, I don't see it standing the test of time. I think in a decade, we'll look back on it and say, "We liked that?!" Sort of like side ponytails and neon leg warmers from the 80s.

Why do I bother commenting here anymore when one very wise commenter has always said what's on my mind?