motile: exhibiting or capable of movement
motile: exhibiting or capable of movement
Jason, I highly doubt Cesar stole the Beetle illustration directly. Whatever crappy desktop publishing software he's using (or worse, "designer") probably already had it as clip art.
I stand corrected. Well, I'm seated, but that's hardly important.
targa |ˈtärgə|
You can almost feel the ass rotate out on the sharp corners.
That interview was very pastel, Matt. Quite squishy!
Can the electric guitar truly replace the acoustic guitar?
The problem I have with the Smart is that people here in the suburban US buy them as pseudo-status symbols and then drive them on the highway and on 4-lane roads with lanes that are 12 feet wide. That makes as much sense as buying a full size pick-up and trying to cram it down a narrow alley in Antwerp.
When I'm in charge of the universe, I will decree that all Smart models will be allowed to be used for target practice and not transportation. I can't understand how someone can drive the ForTwo and take themselves seriously.
Fine. Just make sure you select logs that are buoyant enough to keep you afloat and line that's strong enough to keep the logs together. Using your analogy, what our intrepid Civic owner has done is made his raft out of tiny sticks, lashed them together with dental floss and instead of standing on top of his raft,…
You're confusing development of a creative solution with taking shortcuts when an established, proper solution already exists. This is the latter. Were this guy the very first to lower this type of car and were this a solution others could model their endeavors after, then, yes, it would be something to be proud of.…
Get off my lawn!
Hey, wow! I had no idea I was born on the first anniversary of the Beetle overtaking the Model T.
You didn't read that correctly. It says that engine will most likely be in a Mustang.
I was thinking the same thing. What if other makers follow suit? The new Chevy Alero? Buick Toronado! Ford Cougar!
Take away his PlayStation! He's obviously been playing too much Grand Theft Auto.