
Hilarious comment is hilarious. Your prize is a stock image of tires. Use them well...and I'm glad I didn't have to break something.

I saw one on my lunch break today with a personalized plate that said, NOTDUMB. I laughed and said to myself, "Oh yeah it is."

I hereby nominate that engine for the Peter Principle Award.

I think they may be onto me...

You can put a cat in the oven but that don't make a biscuit.

My brother-in-law is a huge Black Keys fan (and a bit of a music snob). I can't hear them or reference of them without being reminded of him.

El Camino, of course, also means "the road" in Spanish, and the road is where the band’s reputation was forged. Before the product placements and television appearances, the duo toured for many years in a 1994 Plymouth Grand Voyager.

I thought it was cool until you made me realize it's just a fancy Paseo...and an illegal one at that.

I bought one of these, paid an exorbitant fee just to get on the waiting list and then paid a 60% mark-up. Then I saw a video on YouTube of two techs abusing the hell out of it; using it to access unlisted URLs, creating amature porn sites, you name it. How they got it back in the blister-pack I'll never know. I have

I thought it was cool until I saw the broomstick holding up the trunk/tailgate thing. It's two great tastes that taste like ass together.

That is unbelievable...they have traffic control on Asian countries?

I got it!

It's airing here in Atlanta, just delayed by an hour. Um, yay?

Op.skynet.120120.Mis01-g3: First Hunter-Killer complete. Termination of Human Race imminent.

My 911 dreaming experience in 14 lines of text. Awesome.


Chrome, when used properly, can be a beautiful thing.

Currently trying to figure out how to turn myself into a mouse so I can fit inside a Fisher Price "People" car.

That was my absolute favorite book. I would read it over and over. I would putter around the house saying, "Do you like my hat?" "No, I do not" replying to myself. I would pretend I was the little bird at the middle of the intersection and scream, "STOP, DOGS, STOP!!!" (wait a few seconds) "Go, dogs, go." I would