
My sentiments exactly.

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

Netflix should text, "ARE YOU OK?" when we aren't watching Netflix. Because we probably aren't.

This is my photo from 2009 for comparison to show the damage they caused. This just infuriates me. Nazca is one of the most amazing places I've ever been and is completely unique. These idiots should absolutely be thrown in jail for this.

They wanted people's attention. They now have people's attention. They might as well have leveled some factories and set fire to skyscrapers because they also get people's attention.

Seriously, Greenpeace? It's called photoshop!

This is a picture I took of a winter sunrise, over Mount Wutai, on the outkirts of Taiyuan City.

That version is called "The Rectum."

This show started out with a really great concept but last season they just threw so much crap at the wall that didn't stick that I don't see how they can have a coherent ending. That and Kiera Cameron is a terrible person and I don't care how bad things get for her anymore.

While I was absolutely riveted to my seat for the first 2 seasons of Continuum, I feel like they lost something in the last season. Things became too convoluted, and I just stopped caring so much.

If their last season wasn't so full of weird suck. The pacing was so incredibly off.

My alias is "Mrs. Daniel Craig."

People DONATED money for this goober to collect virtual skins?

Here on the East Coast we didn't get the Lightsaber Walker, just a blue walker and the sound effect. Pretty sad as that's one of the best gags in there. There were a couple of shots that had greenscreen and nothing on them too.

Did anyone else watch this live and the lightsaber-walker didn't actually light up? It made the sound, but the effect to cover the walker in "lightsaber" was missing, so it was just a normal walker.

Idk man, mistakes happen. Amazon has always been very helpful to me when stuff goes wrong, I think this guy was kinda rude about it TBH. I mean billion dollar corporations don’t need defending I know, but being rude to the customer service people is just kinda shitty....

This just increased my hype for Star Wars by a hundred-fold. The Wes Anderson version NEEDS to become a reality, it's so magical.

For the vast majority of movie going audiences, there are three star wars films. In those films, lightsabers cut through flesh, bone, tauntauns, wampas, metal railings, speeder bikes, and Darth Vader's armor without the slightest resistence.

File that under "Why the fuck didn't they thought about it!"