
1) I'm in complete agreement that the art is abyssmal. It does look like the artist looked at other material and just copied it using art pencils.

You collect data, then reach conclusions, not the other way around.

Information about cops being shot at, shot, injured, and killed already exists in several places, and is centralized by the FBI and multiple outside organizations. The data we're collecting is not tracked comprehensively by any government agency.

One thing people fail to take into account is that these books are long. The average volume is a lot longer than the typical fantasy series, such as the Harry Potter books, and they've been getting longer with each installment (the big exception being Feast For Crows, which was mostly stuff that was cut from A Dance

I didn't realize what simple pleasures lay in watching people catch buckets with their faces.

Well what are YOU doing to stop the spread of American Sign Language?

Remind me to never get cross with the girl in the second clip who kept her feet. She ran away to protect herself until her opponent incapacitated herself, then she came back for the kill. Her blood was cold before that water hit her.

The guy with the fro who started off saying ASL encapsulates the parts I don't like about this campaign.

Whoever broke that bowl over Drunk Mario's head is an American hero.

I read this post, and I have the following thoughts: I understand why women, subjected to this kind of shallow objectification on a daily basis, feel empowered/entertained by turnabout, even when it takes the form of something as silly and juvenile as this. I get that ironic misandry is defensible given the power

I see a whole bunch of pencil dicks and for some reason I find the well-endowed dick on the colonizer, John Smith, offensive. It's funny how issues manifest themselves.

Some would suggest that the crap she is making now is still just pop music. This is not that far off from her current schtick.

I'm not sure I'd say this leaked, its more of a discharge or maybe seepage.

Memento: Find. Kill. Forget.

I hated the pending comment system, and I pretty much never bothered to comment at all when it was around. Because the only time you would ever actually get followed by whoever needs to follow you for your comment to be visible would be if you happened to comment like five minutes after it was posted while the author

In other words, if you don't like something, nobody will ever see it. Great job. To kill offensive images from a few assholes, you will kill commentary from virtually everyone else.

This is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

Yeah it's so healthy...look at that disgusting gut on the cyclist in white. I always see them stopping at McDonalds maybe they just have a death wish. OK, I changed my mind about these poor cyclists...they must all be from broken homes, just trying to end their lives early. Poor fellers.