
That is about her book…she is doing a docu-series on A+E that just started 3 weeks ago…and is kicking scientology's ass with it.

This is probably one my favorite reviews of this book so far. Check this one out as it has a little bit of everything in it…and it exposes more of scientologies dirty secrets.

I am posting this story here because the commenters seem to be pretty aware of scientology. This is their latest horrible stunt of hurting families and using their loads of tax free money to further ruin lives. They have either paid, blackmailed or threatened to sue 2 companies now to prevent this message of love from

Yep, he has to two the line or risk dis-connecting from friends and family.

Not sure if you're talking about Beck or Jason Lee. If Jason Lee, he's a fanatic. If Beck, he tried to be quiet about it at first, but he's def in and supporting them…his wife and closest friends are all sci's.
eta-Neil has distanced himself, but he has not spoken out unfortunately.

Scientology is absolutely in Russia.

Cool, glad to hear it. Though many people think it is legit, so my post stands. :-)

Yes, allegedly he said it was too crazy for him. Just let that one sink in for a minute! LOL!
See my reply above re scientology and rehab…it's a total scam and dangerous to boot.

No, scientology rehab is not only quack medicine, it's also just a scam to get your money and recruit you to join the church. Scientology is the last place an addict should go to if they want help…you will be ripped off at the least and could end up dead at the worst. They currently have 29 (and more pending) suits