Wolfram Hardon

I think he was just a regular rich white kid who was raised with a sense of unearned entitlement and allowed to believe that he had everything he had because he somehow deserved it and not just because of blind-ass luck.  I think that’s a far more likely explanation.

Kroger! I’m glad he made it. I’d also go with JK Simmons from Law and Order, if only because watching him go from mild mannered well-meaning psychiatrist in that role to crazy narcissist in several others (Spider-Man, Oz, Whiplash etc.) is such a nice flip.

I think Melfi is absolutely a good therapist for Tony; she helps him a lot. Her office is an outlet for him to vent ideas and concerns that would fester inside him otherwise; she helps him confront the real nature of many of his relationships; she forces him to push through his own defensiveness and see himself and

The best therapist scene in The Sopranos is when Carmela visits Dr. Krakower. She expects him to tell her some things to help her cope, and instead he tells her Tony is a monster and she needs to take what’s left of her kids and flee and never look back. She asks him if he expected her to actually do that, and he said

Let us never lose sight that these folks hate Trump’s crassness but are pretty much 100% behind the policies coming out of his administration.

Basically the Bush family doesn’t like the *style* with which he attacks democracy and tries to funnel all power and wealth toward the already powerful and wealthy, not the fact that he does it. But for a different veneer and demeanor he’d fit right in with their family dynasty.

Nah, Babs hated Trump because Trump has no class or decorum.  

I fucking loathe Trump possibly more than any other living asshole, but he deserves credit for ending the Bush Legacy. I’ll never forget when he blamed Dubya for 9/11 during one of the primary debates, and got booed by the majority of the crowd. He also pegged that Jeb! fucker down. He simply didn’t give a fuck about

I agree with this perceived rehabilitation of the Bushes, but maybe the point is that piles of shit calling someone else a pile of shit by their pile-of-shit standards hints that the latter pile of shit is stinkier and runnier than your normal caca.

This game was utter dogshit and the NBA/Referees should be ashamed for letting it get as bad as it did. They were basically letting the Blazers and Nets fight out there. The two possessions before Nurk’s injury were Jared Dudley falling on teh floor and tripping everybody, leading to nurk getting whacked in the face

Limitation breeds creativity. This is fantastic work.

100% yes.

I’m sure part of it is also that this is coming from a Latina woman. It’s why the same ignorant masses generally liked the Affordable Care Act but hated Obamacare, even thought they are the same fucking thing.  Healthcare good, commie black man bad!

Whether it’s these attacks on the fact that AOC had, like, a job, or Donald Trump Jr. publicly calling teachers “losers,” the Republicans’ “We’re the party of the working man/woman!” is a mask that slips as easily and often as the “We’re the party of personal accountability!” one.

I might have been watching it wrong, but Forrest Gump was a pretty dark movie, to me. I saw it in a theater a few weeks after it opened. The crowd was sparse and there was no patriotic fervor or clapping that I understand happened at the beginning of the movie’s run. That is, we all liked it but didn’t take it as the

Forrest Gump sure does get shit on a lot for what is essentially the weirdest blockbuster hit of all time.

If the book\show didn’t have such a bland and uninteresting lead this idea might have worked.

Leno’s second favorite thing to talk about (besides “did you hear Bill Clinton got a blowjob?”) was always “man, regular people sure are fucking stupid!” (reference: Jaywalking and its countless variations)

Sure, two people were murdered, but what’s important here is that we have some dancers to laugh at.