Looks like my DVD set with this episode just skyrocketed in value
Looks like my DVD set with this episode just skyrocketed in value
Remember: if we scrub the world of art featuring Michael Jackson, pedophilia will go away!
Look, it’s easy. Get the original cast and a very special guest in to re-record dialogue, do a digital find-and-replace on a few scenes, and boom, suddenly Leon believes he’s one of the Jonas Brothers.
Yeah, the location of the hole punch in Grim Fandango was the one that got me on both of my playthroughs (10 years apart), so that was totally logical, just somehow missed. As for Day of the Tentacle, the horse dentures thing that SAM mentioned was the beginning of the end for me... I think a few things involving…
Man, I want to like adventure games, but getting stuck because a puzzle’s stupidly obtuse is way too frustrating. Your description of the horse puzzle sounds like a nightmare, especially in the days before guides were common.
There’s a whole class of LucasArts adventure games that skate by on massive amounts of charm despite not being objectively well-designed puzzlers, and Sam And Max is probably the most blatant of the bunch.
(This is also where I fall on Thumbleweed Park.)
But she never actually called Pratt bigoted. She said he attends and supports, both verbally and financially, a church that is, and that fluff filled interviews with Pratt seem to ignore any non-diet related discussions about the church, despite Pratt himself often bringing the church up. Which is true, and which…
Wow. U big mad, huh?
Who’s telling anyone where they can and can’t go to church?
They released a statement in 2015 saying that, while everyone is “welcome,” they “do not affirm a gay lifestyle and because of this we do not knowingly have actively gay people in positions of leadership.”
I dont think his and Ben Steins political views would mesh well nowadays.
there’s a deleted scene (that might have been included in early screenings of the movie?) in Terminator 3 where Arnold plays the guy it was based on... kinda.
“Steady buzz of excitement”?! From who? All we have seen is a few pictures at this point and given it’s track record post T2, no one is excited about this thing. More then 50% of movies called Terminator have been steaming piles of shit.
“They are walking around with “Cotton Eyed Joe” and “Escape (The Piña Colada Song)” stuck in their heads, trying to remember the names of cheeses or where they left their keys, worrying about why they accidentally said “I love you” instead of “thanks” to the delivery guy or whether anyone can actually tell a fake…
Eh, speak for yourself. I’m with you in that this is nothing to get offended about, and MRA trolls can fuck off... but if you’re fairly simple minded and happy thinking about pizza and tits all day, that’s a comment you on, it’s kind of dumb for you to be generalising.
It definitely seems like a premise that would work better at sketch length than in a full movie!
This reminds me of a Chappelle’s Show sketch where they had the same premise, gender-swapped version of WWW, and it was pretty funny but also predictable. Bunch of grown men and a kid in an elevator with a woman who can read their minds and all they can think about is how they want to give her the sex. So I guess this…
Sick burn, bruh. I notice you don’t have a late night show. Maybe get on that. Everyone loves internet hot takes.
“Paradise by the Dashboard Light” is pretty fantastic. But for me (and I am fully aware that I’m the only one in the world who feels this way), the better Meat Loaf song, and the one I’d most like to see redone if someone can match the bombast, orchestral weight, and sheer power of it, is “I Would Do Anything For Love…
Ozzy’s Osbourne’s “No More Tears”. Weird, sinister, bloated, cool guitar solo, ridiculous bridge, how did this ever become a hit in the first awesome place?