Wolfram Hardon

Both sides eh? Why won't you be tolerant of our intolerance!

Yes, Dems can end the shutdown by caving to a hostage taker to make a destructive policy proposal a destructive reality, in exchange for nothing but the release of hostages (setting a precedent of rewarding hostage taking) despite the fact that he said the shutdown wasn’t the Dems fault on live TV and America agrees.

You know nothing about periods.

I totally agree that Pence, who lies to cover up injustice, who’s smug moral superiority manifests in oppressing innocent people, is the opposite of what Christ taught. But on the other hand, he’s the best example of what it is to be a white fundie evangelical Christian in America. He’s the perfect embodiment of every

Those teachings include putting periods inside quote marks, you heretic! Burn him!!

Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and Melissa McCarthy, which was a fine movie that is unfortunately best remembered for how much it infuriated sexist pieces of shit on the internet.

Yeah I can’t imagine how Media and Easter’s absences will be explained away here. Offscreen casualties in the war? Is New Media Gillian’s reincarnation? Will Easter get a similar reboot as well? I’m lowering my expectations for how successful this transition will go.

I watched it sporadically through tapes/re-runs when I was a kid. When it came on Teletoon Retro when I was 22-ish I gave a lot of the series a good watch.

I didn’t grow up with it, so when I watched a few episodes as an adult I was able to look at it as objectively as possible. It’s terrible. The animation is schlocky and none of the jokes are funny. I mean, that’s fine to an extent - it’s a children’s show, in contrast to the actual film that was (primarily) aimed at

the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot with Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and Melissa McCarthy, which was a fine movie

Whoa whoa whoa there. Let’s not go pretending Real Ghostbusters was a bad property.

(I guess I may want to amend this to say that the 2009 video game was a lot of fun, albeit it would have been disappointing as an actual film. But, I’m sorry, Ghostbusters 2 was mediocre at best and the love that the cartoon series gets is 100% based in nostalgia. This was a lightning in a bottle thing that only truly

Jesus christ, there just don’t need to be more Ghostbusters movies to begin with. There was precisely one good Ghostbusters movie or property and it was released 35 damn years ago. I say that as a huge fan of that one film. It was never meant to be a franchise and cannot sustain a franchise. It wasn’t an insult that a

On behalf of everyone with taste in film, please go away.

Is rebooting Ghostbusters after your reboot was a box office bomb a Fuck You?


Studios are increasingly desperate to put beloved properties back in theatres to make that Jurassic World money. Ghostbusters 2016, with its bloated CGI-heavy budget and extensive marketing costs, was a commercial failure. It’s a Fuck

Are we still having a pretend fight that the only reason Ghostbusters (2016) wasn’t a super rousing success critically and box office wise (almost a quarter billion worldwide is no small feet, but with a 140 mil budget, it definitely wasn’t the success Sony wanted) was because of misogyny and not that the movie wasn’t

I’m going to watch it, because I love the book, and I really want to see how certain scenes play out, but they lost an absolute diamond when they let Gillian Anderson go. She was amazing as Media, and the Media Bowie scene was one of my favourite bits of television in recent years. I know they expanded the character’s

It looks a lot shittier, too!

Your mention of Alien: Isolation reminds me of what PB-n-Justice was talking about: about the marriage of Horror + Game where the onus is on the player to be skillful and how their own nervousness or jumpiness could be their own worst enemy.

I’d rank Doom higher. Granted, I was younger, but nothing in a game has ever been as creepy as running around in a dark, dimly lit space marine base with the lights flickering and no signs of life, hunting for a key, hearing monsters roaring and growling in the distance. You don’t know where they are, or how close