
They were usually pretty kind to each other, but they were funny with their “overall experience” ratings which was all you would really see them give. “I’m giving her wedding a 4/10. She looked so beautiful, the food was awesome, and I had the most fun ever. However, it was hot during the ceremony.”

Alternate headline:

It is unreasonable for adults to expect people to make a big deal and travel for their birthdays unless it is a milestone.

This isn’t a handmaiden situation here dude. A woman knowingly and voluntarily consented to carry their child for a fee. A few which is set by the laws of this state. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to have another child this way?

baby POPE.

But... you still don’t know her dog.

My friend and I had a long conversation about all Real Housewives franchises and people today, and I forgot these aren’t actually people I know. It boggles my mind how much I like the shows ...

Lourd knows.

Should have added an ‘me’ on the end of that tatt.

Today I adopted these badass little girls, so I’m loving the world.

It doesn’t beat Saint.

Sir? Now that’s setting up the kid to be a pretentious asshole.

Lmao she’s not having a happy life with Elon, buddy. Sorry to break it to you, but yeah, she is a gold digger, and he’s a notorious asshole with a penchant for blonde trophy wives. They’re perfect for each other, but it’s not for love.

Not that the Jane Doe (or any human) deserves to be exposed to HIV without knowing about it, but who decides that having unprotected sex with Charlie Sheen is a good idea? Or, like, any sex with Charlie Sheen?

The only problem is, I can pound a bottle of this like it’s no problem. Not that that’s happened on a random quiet Tuesday evening at home... whoops.

Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo also has a new giraffe! It’s a girl! She has no name yet! Look at those lashes!

Same! I don’t get the hate. I f-ing love Cheesecake Factory. Is it just me or have the cheesecake portions gotten much smaller? :/

i love cheesecake factory :)