

That honestly is a good question. I had friend who got married about 5 years ago. Big wedding, parents bought her a condo, registry, whole nine yards. Got divorced and in less than 2 years was engaged again. Just had wedding, registry number two. He owns a home so now they have two homes. Are we all supposed to get

Very well said and spot on. Thank you.

I told my sister the other day, that the terrible comments on Jezebel are becoming so horrible, Im beginning to think the site is actually an elaborate conspiracy by the Right to get people to change sides. Lamenting the fact that our parents and grandparents didn’t die off sooner? Really?

As someone who buried their loving, always kind, boomer father two years ago to cancer, please kindly go fuck youself. What a nasty, hateful comment.

Gosh, I was hoping for one single nice post about delicious Thankgiving sandwiches without one political thought. Still commenters have to bring politics/ Trump posts into it. Can we just talk about food for one minute!?

Hee hee. Right?!

Men are really hard to shop for! I usually ask mine straight out what he wants. This year I am getting him a barbecue. His broke and he has yet to replace it. I really enjoy grilling meats in the back yard so its partially for me too.

Exactly. Not a way to get people on our side. Don’t apologize for being rational.

I did, thankfully. Seriously? Am I commenting in Jezebel Junior edition?

Thank you for the support. Didn’t figure I would get any. One person above said they quit their job because they don’t care anymore. Seems rational. No. This is not the end of the world! Im looking on the bright side...maybe it will help the working class.But spitting in food and missing work only feeds into the

That is amazing. I hope you get it! Don’t let any of this derail your dreams. Life is 75 % free will and you have the power to harness your world. Keep your eye on your prize!

Ok, here it is. I’m a liberal but enough is enough with this. Its time to put on your big boy pants. Calling in sick to get shitfaced over and over, people encouraging you to spit and piss in innocents foods because you are grief-stricken, and od’ing on anti-anxiety meds as you lay in bed? That’s just scary. Who that

They made themselves my enemy not the other way around? Do you realize how millennial that sounds? Here’s a thought for you. Nobody needs to seek YOUR approval to cast their vote. Nobody owes it to you to make sure you are cool with their vote. If you want to shun people for their votes, you made your enemies. I

Last season or the one before, Heather riled up Shannon and then questioned her sanity before a room full of people, suggesting she was having a mental break and needed medical help . This season, she did the EXACT same thing to Kelly. Plied with alcohol, ganged up and then in front of everyone told her she was

That’s a pretty rude statement. I’m always confused why the commenters on this site are very against judging looks and body shaming...except when its a thin white woman. Taylor Swift is gorgeous, so is Rihanna. So are models, which is why they make millions off their looks. Derp.

Yeah ok, he knew.

I don’t necessarily believe there is a reasonable lawsuit here, but reading the texts...he was a rather manipulative fuck. He gave her diseases, then blamed her, was wholly empathetic, gaslighted her into believing it was anything but his fault and that she was being “dramatic.” Tried to pay her off. I mean my god,

I wish I could provide specifics, but I’m too scared. I know, no fun to name drop without specifics. But nobody could speak to her. Period. Meanest ever.

I’ve met both of them. Kelly is no saint, but I promise you, Christina is a literal monster. Team no one.