The AV Club put "Jaws" at number one, and I don't think anyone could argue that's strictly a horror movie.
The AV Club put "Jaws" at number one, and I don't think anyone could argue that's strictly a horror movie.
And, as we learned last week in a throwaway line, the guests are paying 40,000 fucking dollars a day! Losing 8 - 12 hours seems like a lot of money wasted.
He joins an extensive list of great British actors who don't mind slumming it for a paycheck. I find nothing diminishing about that. Take your money, guys!
I saw a Young Comedians special featuring him from back in the late '80s. Until I saw "Call Me Lucky," I didn't remember Barry. Then they showed a clip from that special, with him in his brown suit holding a cigar, and Barry commented on how he was only 27 or so, but everyone thought he was in his forties, which is…
Seems like the "League" movie might might try for some depth.
I didn't get that she was practicing her laugh, either, but that makes more sense in retrospect. I think I was confused because they chose that moment to introduce that weird contact lense thing, which is never quite explained. At first I thought that she was taking pictures of herself with a camera eye, but the rest…
I don't know. Their plan seems to be to scale back the dourness. Still seems fishy.
And didn't he Kickstart this piece of garbage?
Hey, just because he said "whoop" doesn't mean he's right wing. He could also be a juggalo.
I assume they will? I mean, weird gauntlet to throw at the feet of someone expressing personal fear at the uptick in mainstream-acceptable anti-semitism coming from the Trump people. It doesn't stop with those parentheses echoes.
Which one?
Roy Orbison had the most beautiful voice in all of rock music. I feel sorry for whatever actor is tasked with trying to recreate it (unless, as others have noted, they just go with lip-syncing repurposed live tracks).
For whatever reason, I took their breakup pretty badly. Even though, like you say, it wasn't a huge shock for anyone that had been following their relationship, but I guess you just end up thinking like you know these people.
One of my favorite Okkervil River songs, for sure, and just a devastating "fuck you" song, especially if you have any artistic aspirations. These are things that we worry people will perceive about us, isn't it?
There's a palpable sense of fun that the actors are having. You could tell they were really chummy on set, which probably changed the vibe of the script to reflect the sillier, more jovial quality that it has.
It's a beautiful song.
Stadium High School.
The Tacoma aroma was caused by a paper mill across the bay, which has long since closed down. If there's a smell—which, admittedly, there sometimes is—it's infrequent, and probably due to the industrial part of town, as well as some low tide in the Puget Sound, and has only maintained traction because of the rhyming…
Not much of another time to say this, but "10 Things I Hate About You," while sort of establishing that it takes place in Seattle, was actually filmed in my hometown of Tacoma. My friend was one of the "coffee kids" in that scene where they introduce the schools cliques.
Any word on whether Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets?