
Any idea as to what the working internal pressure is supposed to be on these suits? I’d like to see one without the cover layer /TMG. “Easier to move around in” implies lower operating pressures which results in higher risks of decompression sickness or oxygen flamability risk. As for the suit-port. Not likely.

Not really....look it’s on an island, in a bay, on the west coast of Silcily....Isola di San Pantoleo. Picky picky much? 

Win of the day. I’m convinced that Boomhauer was my neighbor when I was growing up in North Texas in the 70's/

Feh..... so modern, just like the ‘48 Tucker.....DOT killed any hopes for decent lights here in the US years ago.

but did he buy the TrueCoat?

Deadspin should have a look into how many horses have been euthanized in Baffert’s various attempts to win. He’s a cruel man in a cruel sport. There’s a long list of needlessly dead horses paving the path to Justify.

Apparently, there is no shortage of heels on the Nike HQ campus.

I’m for reintroducing the Grizzly to California......many of them.

Ho Lee Fuk

Sophon is gonna be hotness.....

Feral as fuck....and foaming at the ....everywhere