
I watched the whole hour-long Match Game and skipped this. I'm done.

If she were a guy she'd look just like Milhous on the Simpsons.

I wish a Boomer had said it, by cracky.

His best moment was when he interrogated Hatchet-Face to see if he was lying. He looked like an adult schooling a 5 year old. That was cool. Remember that? Better than winning that reward.

I just want to interject somewhere that Cydney is an incredibly good-looking human being. Here it is. I enjoy seeing her on my TV. Has presence and seems smart too.

Oh, he's definitely lost his swagger. Even his voice sounds different now. Lost that bully bray. Keeps his head down.

Looked like Jason had his thumb under the disc at one point. Thought it should be a disqualification.

Catch the spitting food at the merge feast edit? Shades of Keith.

In the old shows they used to leave on a stretcher.

Then you could hide them in your jail wallet.

Every athlete wants to be an actor, Every rock star wants to be an athlete. And every actor wants to be a rock star.

She said she could see germs and there were no germs or pathogens in this water.

They should make chickens with a chicken tractor(ala Utopia) a standard early reward.

Cowboy saved it and not much else.

I think SPCA should investigate Survivor for using live chickens as props. Did we see a guy twist the chickens head off? Did you catch that?

The Survivor cast or the people commenting here?

I betcha that fish is a fur-eek!

Ya'll gotta have southies against yankees.

Spy shack!

He was very humble in his mistake. He owned it, apologized profusely, and was ready to move on. We didn't even see him say that "we all make mistakes". Letting him stay may have brought his loyalty and gratitude. Instead they stuck with the mental giant, realtor. Think, they thinking with the little head.